Wind-up spider

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wind-up spider
wind-up spider

This little mechanical spider is a great way for you to deeply, deeply upset one of your friends.

Type: usable (self or others)
Selling Price: 8 Meat.

(In-game plural: wind-up spiders)
View metadata
Item number: 8648
Description ID: 809396455
View in-game: view
View market statistics

Obtained From

Various locations
Your Dog Found Something Again (Give me the weird cursed thing!)

When Used

You wind up the spider and send it to visit <recipient>.


  • Recipient receives the chat message, "You see a little spider wander over to your campsite from <you>'s."
  • Causes a spider to sometimes wander around the recipients screen. Said spider looks like this: Lilspider.gif
  • Reset on rollover.


"8648" does not have an RSS file (yet?) for the collection database.