White Xanadian

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white Xanadian
white Xanadian

This is a drink made out of vodka and the Milk of Paradise, the preferred beverage of the citizens of Xanadu. I'm not exactly sure what set of udders you have to squeeze to get the Milk of Paradise, but I'm sure the entire process is pleasant for everyone involved.

Type: booze (awesome)
Potency: 2
Level required: 2
Selling Price: 50 Meat.

(In-game plural: white Xanadians)
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Item number: 2654
Description ID: 401169468
View in-game: view
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Obtained From

The Stately Pleasure Dome
Angry poet
The Gnomish Micromicrobrewery (sometimes) (150 Meat)

When Consumed

You drink the white Xanadian. You start to believe we are magic.
AdventuresYou gain 5-8 Adventures.
You gain 12-18 Beefiness.
Bigeyes.gifYou acquire an effect: Flashing Eyes
(duration: 10 Adventures)
You gain 2 Drunkenness.


  • Its first appearance in the micromicrobrewery was only for a short time on June 2, 2007, before being replaced by a salty dog, leading some players to conclude its presence was an error. It has since appeared in the microbrewery and was perhaps only replaced at that point as it was a new booze drop from the item released only the day prior, and they probably didn't want everyone to have such easy access to it, even if it is just for individual consumption.


  • "Believe we are magic" comes from the lyrics of the song "Magic" by Olivia Newton-John, from soundtrack to the movie Xanadu.
  • The name and description of this item and its effect refer to the poem Kubla Khan by Samuel Taylor Coleridge, which features the lines "drunk the Milk of Paradise" and "His flashing eyes, his floating hair!"
  • This item is a reference to the White Canadian beverage, which is a variant on the White Russian. These drinks are made with vodka and a type of milk.


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