What Would You Do For Some Worthless Crap

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What Would You Do For Some Worthless Crap
What Would You Do For Some Worthless Crap

You vaguely remember encountering a roving gang of Orcish Frat Boys and engaging in a trade of some sort.

You're not sure what you gave them, but you evidently got the better end of the deal, 'cause you find that you've acquired some swell beads!

Chain.gifYou acquire an item: string of blue beads
Chain.gifYou acquire an item: string of green beads
Chain.gifYou acquire an item: string of red beads

Occurs during St. Sneaky Pete's Day Stupor.


  • Until SSPD X, you had to be a female character in order to receive this adventure. On SSPD XII and XIII, this adventure only occurred for male characters.


  • The title of this adventure refers to the well-known slogan for Klondike Bar, "What would you do for a Klondike Bar?"
  • During Mardi Gras, strings of beads are often given to women for flashing their breasts.