What's Brown and Sounds Like a Parrot?

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What's Brown and Sounds Like a Parrot?
What's Brown and Sounds Like a Parrot?

As you enter the Hippy Camp, you hear a quiet "Pssst... Pssst..." coming from one of the tents.

You go inside, and see a ferret in a cage.

"Hey, man. I hate my filthy hippy owner, but despite all my rage, I can't get out of here. Set me free, and I'll let you steal his stuff..."

You're only too happy to oblige.

Jug.gifYou acquire an item: jug-o-magicalness
Blend.gifYou acquire an item: secret blend of herbs and spices
Tofu.gifYou acquire an item: wad of tofu

Occurs at The Hippy Camp (In Disguise).
