Welcome to the Footlocker
You walk into the barracks and find yourself alone among the filthy straw mattresses. As you turn to leave, you notice that one of the guards has forgotten to lock his footlocker.
Wanna check it out?
Loot the locker |
You open the footlocker and find one of the Guards' polearms. There are many like it, but now this one is yours!
You acquire an item: Knob Goblin elite polearm |
Nestled among the random bits of clutter in the footlocker, you find a perfectly serviceable pair of pants. Score!
You acquire an item: Knob Goblin elite pants |
Nestled among the unmentionables (and believe me, you wouldn't want to mention them anyway,) you find a spare helmet.
You acquire an item: Knob Goblin elite helm |
You open the footlocker and find a jelly donut. You figure if its owner's superior officer finds it, he'll probably give him a humiliating lecture in front of the other guards, so you're really doing him a favor by keeping it for yourself.
You acquire an item: Knob jelly donut |
Leave the scene |
You decide that anything a Knob Goblin likes enough to keep in his footlocker is probably something you don't want. You take your leave.
- Occurs at Cobb's Knob Barracks.
- Choosing "Leave the scene" does not consume an adventure.
- Has a cap of 8 turns between occurrences (9 turns if skipping the adventure). It can happen more frequently, including twice in a row.
- Two references to the movie Full Metal Jacket:
- In the movie, Pyle gets punished for hiding a doughnut in his footlocker.
- There is also a scene featuring the line "There are many like it, but this one is mine", when the recruits quote the Rifleman's Creed.