Weird space book

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weird space book
weird space book

This is a book written in weird space language.

Type: usable
Cannot be traded or discarded
Quest Item

(In-game plural: weird space books)
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Item number: 7526
Description ID: 658177559
View in-game: view

Obtained From

Some Scattered Smoking Debris
illegal alien

When Used

With less than 5 alien language skill:

You can't make any sense of the writing in this book. All it says is stuff like gloopboort bloopjeert bloopbort and glop bleepnort glopneert.

With 5 alien language skill:

Using your newly-acquired alien language skills, you discover that this is a book filled with various illicit recipes for various illicit alien items, all of which can be made from discarded space junk.

It's an alien-archist's cookbook, if you will.

(You can now make items out of space junk.)


  • Alien language skill may be increased by using burned government manual fragments.
  • A successful use permanently flags your account with the ability to make things out of space junk. This knowledge persists over ascension.
  • The alien language text displayed in the unsuccessful message is randomly generated from alien language.