Weapon Damage

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The second step toward rifling through a dead monster's pockets, after hitting them, is dealing damage. There are three damage formulas that are used by players, depending on what type of weapon is being used. Monsters have a separate formula.

Weapon Damage Formulas

Damage done by your melee weapon attacks can be calculated as follows:

Total Damage =
floor(Player Muscle × Attack-type Muscle Multiplier × 1.0) - Monster Defense, (minimum 0)
+ Weapon Damage × Crit Multiplier × Attack-type Weapon Damage Multiplier
+ absolute, non-elemental Bonus Weapon Damage
) x (100% + percentage-based Bonus Weapon Damage)
+ Offhand Weapon Damage (if double-wielding)
+ Elemental Bonus Weapon Damage

Damage done by barehanded attacks can be calculated as follows:

Total Damage =
floor(Player Muscle × Attack-type Muscle Multiplier × 0.25) - Monster Defense, (minimum 0)
+ 1 (barehanded damage) × Crit Multiplier × Attack-type Weapon Damage Multiplier
+ absolute, non-elemental Bonus Weapon Damage
) x (100% + percentage-based Bonus Weapon Damage)
+ Elemental Bonus Weapon Damage

Damage done by your ranged weapon attacks can be calculated as follows:

Total Damage =
floor(Player Moxie × Attack-type Moxie Multiplier × 0.75) - Monster Defense, (minimum 0)
+ Weapon Damage × Crit Multiplier × Attack-type Weapon Damage Multiplier
+ absolute, non-elemental Bonus Weapon Damage
+ absolute, non-elemental Bonus Ranged Damage
) x (100% + percentage-based Bonus Weapon Damage)
+ Offhand Weapon Damage (if double-wielding)
+ Elemental Bonus Weapon Damage


  • Damage is normally displayed as A (+B) (+C) (+D) (+E) (+F) (+G).
  • Percentile Weapon Bonus applies to the first four items listed above, but not off-hand or elemental damage (essentially, A above, but not B through G).
  • Bonus Weapon Damage applies to both melee and ranged weapons.
  • Penalties to melee damage will not reduce the damage you deal below 1 + Elemental Damage.
  • When using Thrust-Smack, Lunging Thrust-Smack, or Lunge-Smack, only the mainhand Weapon Damage is doubled/tripled, not the Total Damage.
  • Monster Level variation may increase the apparent range of damage dealt. The above formula is for actual, not nominal, monster level.

Monster Damage Formula

Raw monster damage is given by:

Total Damage =
(Diff + 20 to 25% of Monster Attack - Damage Reduction)
× (1 - AbsorbFrac)
× (1 - ElementalFrac)


  • Diff = (Monster Attack - Player Moxie), minimum 0
  • AbsorbFrac = (√(Damage Absorption/10) - 1)/10 (with minimum 0, maximum 0.9)
  • ElementalFrac: see Elemental Resistance to determine the value based on resistance strength; remember that Mysticality classes get an innate 5% bonus


  • Your damage will be followed by n Sound Effects, where n is equal to the square root of melee damage (not counting enchantments) rounded up to a maximum of 10.
  • The monster's damage will be followed by n Sound Effects, where n is equal to the square root of the monster's damage rounded up to a maximum of 10.
  • Damage within the given ranges have a triangular distribution. In slightly-less-math-geek, this means they are the sum of two die rolls, rather than a single die roll; so values towards the middle of the range are more common. (Try rolling a pair of six-sided dice and adding them for yourself -- you should get about 6 times as many sevens as you do twos and twelves.)
  • HCO did the original spading and graphs of Damage vs. Awesomeness, but their website is no longer available.


  • Back when it still existed, a Moxie class's Moxious Maneuver used Moxie for damage calculations instead of Muscle, with no penalty for using a ranged weapon or fighting barehanded. Criticals still occurred, although there was no in-game message to reflect this. Moxious Maneuver did not count as a weapon attack, and was not boosted by Bonus Weapon Damage.