Water cooler

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Water cooler
Monster ID 1045
Locations CRIMBCO Cubicles
Hit Points 10
Attack 10
Defense 10
No-Hit 20
Initiative 100
Meat None
Phylum Indeterminate
Elements None
Resistance None
Monster Parts Indeterminate
5 CRIMBCO scrip
Manuel Entry
refreshedit data
water cooler You're fighting the water cooler

You decide you've been sitting at your desk long enough, and take a walk to the water cooler to catch up on office gossip. It looks like Mr. Mination's tired of employees wasting work time there, though, and has magically animated the water cooler to attack anyone who lingers too long!

If only there were a location where you could stand around and talk to your fellow employees about this new development.

Hit Message(s):

It blasts you with an icy stream of water. What're you going to do about it? Brrrrrrrrrrr. (cold damage)

It blasts you with a stream of scalding-hot water. Coffee, tea, or third-degree burns? Ooh! Eek! Ooh! Ooh! Argh! (hot damage)

It hits you with its hot and cold water jets at the same time, with enough force to knock you over. Ouch! Argh! Eek! Ooh! Eek!

It stomps forward and the tank falls off the top, crushing your <giblets>.

Critical Hit Message:

It launches its tank into the air and it lands on your head, making kind of the opposite of a SCUBA suit. Kind of a Self-Contained Open-air Drowning Apparatus, or SODA. Ooh! Ugh! Ooh! Ow! Ugh!

Miss Message(s):

It blasts an icy stream of water at you, but you dodge the little squirt.

It shoots hot water at you, but you catch it in a mug and make tea.

It hits you with its hot and cold water jets at the same time. Your response is lukewarm.

It runs dry and has to replace its tank.

Fumble Message:

The magic spell animating the water cooler finally runs out, and before Mr. Mination can re-animate it, it's mobbed with dozens of loafing employees. (FUMBLE!)

After Combat

Boredeyes.gif Boredom +1%

An elf on roller skates whizzes by and tosses you a five-scrip note. "Keep slackin' off, and they DOCK ya!" he sneers, before skating away.

Scrip.gifYou acquire 5 CRIMBCO scrip

Occurs at CRIMBCO Cubicles.


  • This monster cannot be copied.