Warbear auto-anvil

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warbear auto-anvil
warbear auto-anvil

This is an anvil with a robot arm holding a hammer, and another robot arm holding some tongs. Just stick it in your workshed, drop some smithing ingredients on it, and watch it go to town. See, it likes to extend its robot legs and go into town so it can show off in front of the Meatsmith, just to be a jerk.

Type: usable
Cannot be discarded

Allows Meatsmithing without using an Adventure
(5x / day)

(In-game plural: warbear auto-anvils)
View metadata
Item number: 6965
Description ID: 145721549
View in-game: view
View market statistics

Obtained From

warbear requisition box

When Used

If you do not have a workshed:

You don't have anywhere to put this, so you go dig through the dumpster behind a lumber yard and hastily construct a workshed in your campsite.

You place the warbear auto-anvil in your workshed.

If you have changed your workshed today:

You've already rearranged your workshed once today. You should wait until the dust settles before you mess with it more. The dust will settle tomorrow.

If you have not changed your workshed today:

You remove the <item> from your workshed.
SomethingYou acquire... something. [[Data:{{{item}}}]]

You place the warbear auto-anvil in your workshed.



Slash.gif Warbear auto-anvil | Warbear chemistry lab | Warbear high-efficiency still | Warbear induction oven | Warbear jackhammer drill press | Warbear LP-ROM burner

See Also


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