Wand of Nagamar
From TheKolWiki
This wand radiates powerful magic. It's long, thin, and adorned with a constantly shifting pattern of letters. (In-game plural: Wands of Nagamar) |
Obtained From
- The VERY Unquiet Garves
- Bear Verb Orgy (after losing to the Naughty Sorceress (3))
- Stores
- Cosmic Ray's Bazaar (30 rare Meat isotopes; Kingdom of Exploathing path only)
ruby W | metallic A | lowercase N | heavy D | |
WA | ND | |||
Wand of Nagamar |
You wave your Wand of Nagamar and <its> SLIMY TAIL turns into A LILY MIST. The pleasant smell of lilies fills the air as <it> takes X damage from being de-tailed. SPLAT! SMACK! BONK!
You wave your Wand of Nagamar and <its> UGLY HEAD turns into a HUGE LADY. <It> falls beneath the weight and takes X damage. BOOF! POW! SMACK!
You wave your Wand of Nagamar at <its> LEFT WING (not to get political), which transforms into a WET FLING. <It> crashes to the ground for X damage. BARF! ZAP! BARF!
You wave your Wand of Nagamar at <its> THICK TORSO. KITSCH ROOTS[sic]? spring out of <it>, whipping <it> in a decidedly retro, campy fashion for X damage. KAPOW! WHAM! BOINK!
You wave your Wand of Nagamar at <its> UPPER THIGH, which transforms into a HIPPER THUG. The thug wanders off to find a groovier locale, and your opponent takes X damage. POW! ZOT! WHACK!
You wave your Wand of Nagamar at <it>, and BOTH ARMS transform into BRA MOTHS. They flit away to search for a lingerie store, while <it> is disarmed for X damage. BARF! BOINK! ZAP!
- Against plural monsters:
You choose an opponent and wave your Wand of Nagamar at their LEFT WING (not to get political), which transforms into a WET FLING. They crashes to the ground for X damage. BARF! BAM! POW!
You target an opponent and wave your Wand of Nagamar at their THICK TORSO. KITSCH ROOTS[sic]? spring out of them, whipping them in a decidedly retro, campy fashion for X damage. KERBLAM! WHAM! KAPOW!
You wave your Wand of Nagamar and their SLIMY TAILS turn into A SILLY MIST. They giggle hysterically as they take X damage from being de-tailed. KERBLAM! WHACK! WHACK!
You wave your Wand of Nagamar at one of them, and BOTH ARMS transform into BRA MOTHS. They flit away to search for a lingerie store, while your opponent is disarmed for X damage. BIFF! BIFF! SPLAT!
You wave your Wand of Nagamar at one of them and their UGLY HEAD turns into a HUGE LADY. They fall beneath the weight and take X damage. POW! BONK! WHAM!
You wave your Wand of Nagamar at their UPPER THIGHS, which transform into HIPPER THUGS. The thugs wander off to find a groovier locale, and your opponent takes X damage. WHACK! SMACK! KERBLAM!
- Prior to the implementation of Ascension, this wand was a completely useless item; now, for virtually every player, it must be in the player's possession (either wielded or in one's inventory) to defeat the third form of The Naughty Sorceress.
- To avoid giving spoilers in chat or on the forums, this item is usually referred to as the "Smurf."
- The only exceptions are Cobain Dougans, who managed to defeat the Sorceress without the aid of the wand on February 16, 2007, and DarthDud, who defeated her after Cobain. Cobain Dougans was awarded the golden sausage for his efforts, while DarthDud received the silver sausage.
- Cannot be untinkered.
- Nagamar is an anagram of anagram; hence the "constantly shifting pattern of letters" in its description and its anagram-tastic use on the third form of The Naughty Sorceress.
- According to the September 5th, 2005 edition of the 120 Minutes with Jick and Mr. Skullhead radio show, this wand is named after Nagamar, a necromancer from times of old who cast a spell incorrectly, which resulted in transforming The Cemetery into the The Misspelled Cemetary. The spell also caused the The Cyrpt to become misspelled, along with all the names of the creatures residing in both The Crypt and The Cemetery. However, Fernswarthy cast a spell which altered reality, so now he is to blame for the Cemetary's poor spelling.
- In preparation for the then upcoming NS Tower revamp, the Wand of Nagamar was made into a quest item on December 08, 2014. Its Autosell value before this change was 322 meat.
- In conjunction with the NS Tower Revamp at the start of 2015, it became possible to obtain the Wand from the Bear Verb Orgy adventure in The Misspelled Cemetary.
- Untinkering was possible at least until February 16, 2015, but was no longer possible as of May 18, 2015.
See Also
- Zapping (Wand of polymorph)
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