Walk Away From Explosion
From TheKolWiki
Walk Away From Explosion Type: CombatMP Cost: 30 Sneaky Pete, like all cool guys, was not impressed enough by explosions to even look at them. Sneaky Pete, unlike most cool guys, actually encountered a lot of explosions in his day to day life. Eradicate an opponent |
Source: | Sneaky Pete's Gate |
Price: | N/A |
Class: | Avatar of Sneaky Pete |
Level: | Dangerous Rebel 10 |
When Used: |
If the monster cannot be instakilled:
You walk away from the monster as it explodes, but you hear that it is still alive (having only taken X damage) so you have to walk back toward it. Annoying.
Otherwise: You walk away, not glancing back as your foe is obliterated in a spectacular explosion.
- If the monster cannot be instakilled, this skill does damage equal to half its current HP.
- The monster is banished until you are no longer Bored With Explosions. If the effect is extended by any means, then the banish is extended also.