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Wal-Mart is found in The Glaciest.

"Good ta see you! Welcome to Wal-Mart. Come in, come in!" He ushers you inside, then shuffles over to the counter, where he removes his blue shirt and replaces it with a white one, plus a green eyeshade and a new nametag (though this one also says "WALFORD").

"Now then," he says. "What can I get for you?"

Items Sold

Item: Price:
Handlotion.gif shoulder-warming lotion Walcert.gif 5
Icelettuce.gif iceberg lettuce Walcert.gif 15
Wine.gif ice wine Walcert.gif 15
Airdaypass.gif one-day ticket to The Glaciest Walcert.gif 50
Walglobe.gif Wal-Mart snowglobe Walcert.gif 75
Waltag.gif Wal-Mart nametag Walcert.gif 75
Walveralls.gif Wal-Mart overalls Walcert.gif 75
Book3.gif To Build an Igloo Walcert.gif 150
Book5.gif The Chill of the Wild Walcert.gif 150
Book4.gif Cold Fang Walcert.gif 150
Waltat.gif Wal-Mart tattoo kit Walcert.gif 250

You have:
Walcert.gif X Wal-Mart gift certificates
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