Further into the violet fog, you see a man sitting on a cornflake, crying. When you ask him what's wrong, he unexpectedly turns into a walrus. "Goo goo ga joob," he barks. How rude! You didn't even get to ask him about that penguin singing Hare Krishna. Or maybe it was Hairy Fishnuts, you're not sure.
Occurs in the Violet Fog.
- The entire text of this adventure alludes to the Beatles' song "I Am The Walrus", which includes lines about "sitting on a cornflake" and "elementary penguins singing Hare Krishna", and the phrase "goo goo ga joob". The man on the cornflake may well be George Harrison.
- In one Bloom County strip, Opus the penguin called the Hare Krishas "Hairy Fishnuts".