Violet Fog (Intense-Looking Man)

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Deeper in the violet fog, you encounter a rather intense-looking man having a spirited discussion with a group of self-replicating machine elves. You stop to listen, but can't understand a word of it.

This way

That way

The other way


Occurs in the Violet Fog.


  • This adventure is a reference to the term "self-transforming machine elves" coined by the writer and philosopher Terence McKenna in his writings about Dimethyltryptamine. Dimethyltryptamine, also know as DMT, is a powerful hallucinogenic drug. Terence McKenna believed that one under the influence of DMT is able to see and communicate with self-transforming machine elves. The intense looking man in this adventure may be a man under the influence of DMT, or may possibly be a reference to Terence McKenna himself.