Violet Fog (Huge Mountain)
From TheKolWiki
This part of the violet fog is dominated by a huge mountain in the foreground. A wizard stands on the top of it, brandishing a giant staff (yes, with a knob on the end, stop sniggering) out of which shoot bolts of lightning. Behind him, an orange-and-purple checkerboard sky twists and vibrates slightly. The wizard takes a pull from a pipe almost as tall as he is and exhales smoke which curves into Elvish letters.
"This is so... so... typical," you say. Seriously. It looks like every poster in every room in the orcish frat house.
This way |
That way |
The other way |
Escape |
Occurs in the Violet Fog, when returning to the entrance of the Violet Fog.
- The adventure might reference, as well as stereotypical fantasy posters, the song "A Wizard's Staff Has A Knob On The End", a great favourite of Nanny Ogg from the Discworld series of novels (and the fact that Discworld wizards do, indeed, carry staves with knobs on the ends).
- The mention of the wizard smoking may allude to Gandalf the Grey, from the J.R.R. Tolkien novels The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings. Discworld wizards also smoke, almost invariably, which is probably itself a reference to Gandalf.