Violet Fog (Huge Caterpillar)

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You push your way through the fog, and to your surprise (well, not really) discover a gigantic mushroom with a huge caterpillar sitting on it, smoking a hookah. You ask him how to get out of here, and he responds, "Recite 'There once was a woman named Puck'."

"What?" you reply. "Well, all right:

There once was a woman named Puck,
Who had the most terrible luck.
She stood up in a punt,
And was bit on the front
By a goose and a swan and a duck.

"That is not quite right," says the Caterpillar. "It is wrong from beginning to end."

"Oh, forget it," you grumble, and walk away.

This way

That way

The other way


Occurs in the Violet Fog.
