Vial of orange slime

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vial of orange slime
vial of orange slime

This is a small vial of orange slime you acquired by mixing together some red and yellow slime. Not, as you might have been thinking, a vial of orange-flavored slime. Trust me on this one.

(Cooking ingredient)
Type: potion
Selling Price: 66 Meat.
Cannot be traded
Quest Item

(In-game plural: vials of orange slime)
View metadata
Item number: 3888
Description ID: 400803781
View in-game: view


Lovepotion.gif vial of red slime vial of yellow slime
Equals.gif vial of orange slime
Lovepotion.gif vial of red slime vial of amber slime
Equals.gif vial of orange slime
Lovepotion.gif vial of yellow slime vial of vermilion slime
Equals.gif vial of orange slime
Lovepotion.gif vial of vermilion slime vial of amber slime
Equals.gif vial of orange slime
Lovepotion.gif vial of orange slime vial of orange slime
Equals.gif vial of orange slime

When Used

You drink the vial of orange slime. Yeah, see, what did I tell you? Not orange-flavored.
Slimemus2.gifYou acquire an effect: Bilious Brawn
(duration: 15 Adventures)

Slimemag2.gifYou acquire an effect: Bilious Brains
(duration: 15 Adventures)

Slimemox2.gifYou acquire an effect: Bilious Briskness
(duration: 15 Adventures)



  • The effect gained varies by ascension.

See Also


Slash.gif vial of orange slime | vial of green slime | vial of violet slime