Vial of Gnomochloric acid

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vial of Gnomochloric acid
vial of Gnomochloric acid

This is a small vial of a powerful acid used by the Gnomish Gnomads to polish gemstones. They dilute it first, though -- if you used it in its current undiluted form, it would totally dissolve the gemstones, and nobody wants that.

(Cooking ingredient)
Selling Price: 250 Meat.

(In-game plural: vials of Gnomochloric acid)
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Item number: 2801
Description ID: 711346519
View in-game: view
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Obtained From

Gno-Mart (500 Meat)



  • The item name is a reference to Hydrochloric acid (Hydrogen + Chlorine), a powerful and common acid that has many useful practical applications, but often must be diluted quite severely.


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