Vampire cape

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vampire cape
vampire cape

This cape is a creature of the night, a hunter with humanity as its prey. It suffers from its eternal bloodlust, forever cut off from the world, beautiful in its solitude. It's the most exquisitely tormented piece of black velvet you've ever seen.

Type: back item
Muscle Required: 75
Selling Price: 25 Meat.

Makes You Act Like a Vampire. Blah.

(In-game plural: vampire capes)

Obtained From

Obsoleted Areas/Methods
The Spooky Forest
spooky vampire
An Interesting Choice
spooky vampire


With a muffled "blahhhh," your cape suddenly leaps off of your back and sinks its fangs into your opponent, dealing X damage. It returns to your back, and you feel strangely refreshed.
HPYou gain X hit points.
  • X is 10% of the physical damage dealt by your attack, rounded up.
    • If you are in elemental form, the cape's base damage is based on what your physical damage would have been.
    • The amount the cape heals is equal to its base damage, even if elemental alignment or physical resistance alter the actual damage done.
  • The critical hit effects of the V for Vivala mask take precedence over the cape's effect, unless the monster is killed by your attack, in which case both effects take place.
  • The cape's effect does NOT take place with the critical hits from spells.


  • Prior to June 28, 2012, this item was a shirt.
  • Due to a bug, this item still required Torso Awaregness to drop from June 28, 2012, until September 17, 2012, after which it began dropping properly as a back item.
  • After complaints that an item with such a high stat requirement dropped in such a low-level zone, this item was replaced by the vampire collar on April 11, 2013.


  • The "creature of the night" line is a reference to Dracula. In it, the Count refers to howling wolves thusly: "Listen to them, the children of the night. What music they make!". The phrase has since become a horror cliché.
  • "Creature of the Night" is also used in the song "Touch-a, Touch-a, Touch-a, Touch Me" in The Rocky Horror Show.
  • There is some contention over why vampires make the sound "blah" (or bluh or bleh).

See Also