These poems can be attached to a message sent with a valentine.
Valentines are sold on Valentine's Day.
Original Poems
1335 Haxx0r
r0535 R R3d
5ug4r i5 5w337
If U'd b3 m1n3
I'd f33l pr377y 1337.
Goth Giant
Hearts red as blood,
Black rain in my soul,
Dispell my miasma,
And come make me whole.
Filthy Hippy
Man, you're, like, far out,
Your virtues are plenty,
When we're, like, together,
It's always 4:20.
Orcish Frat Boy
You're such a hot hottie,
With junk in the trunk,
To do you I wouldn't
Even have to be drunk.
Smarmy Pirate
I be smitten with ye,
And all yer sweet charrrms,
Don't ye be coy, lovely,
Come to me arrrms.
Knott Yeti
Groooarrr err mrrrr
Snrl eeerrr grr grralll
Frrr mrrr snkrl raarrr
Frr hirr farr snrk fmalll.
G Imp
You're smart as a whip,
Like a razor, you're keen,
When they say that love hurts,
We know just what they mean.
Mob Penguin
You're sweet as spaghetti,
You're really a prize.
To not be my Valentine
Would be... unwise.
Sk8 Gnome
We should be tog8ther,
It's gnever too l8,
Please be my V8legntine,
That would be gr8!
Retired February 14, 2008
Knob Goblin Harem Girl
O light of the sun,
O face of the moon,
We're meant for each other,
Like a spork and a foon.
Retired February 14, 2008
Spam Witch
Nigerian riches,
A much bigger sword,
Being my Valentine
Has its rewards!
Elf Farm Girl
Is it I? It is I!
I, Mary, tramp martyr am I!
Egad! No bondage!
I, Mary, tramp martyr am I!
Is it I? It is I!
Retired February 14, 2008
Quiet Healer
Gnollish Crossdresser
A bushel of kisses,
And love double-rationed,
I give you my lips
And my great taste in fashion.
Retired February 14, 2008
The Hermit
You're something quite special,
It's easy to see.
If I were the Hermit,
You'd be worthless to me.
Gravy Boat
Baby oh baby
oh baby oh baby,
You're cuter than flowers
And sweeter than gravy.
Poems Added on January 3, 2006
Mariachi Calavera
Mi amor para ti
Es sin todo cuidado
He caido por ti
Como en un piso mojado.
I love you more than axes,
And more than phat loot,
You are the one thing
I can't live withoot.
I think you're so neat, eh?
You're lacking in flaws
Come up to my tent, eh?
We can swap bras.
The Naughty Sorceress
Come be with me, honey,
We'll be happy thereafter,
With the crushing of fools
And maniacal laughter.
Vegan Hippy Chef
Our chakras align,
We're, like, so meant to be,
I promise my love
Will be cruelty-free.
Senile Lihc
My love is like pancakes,
Like carrots and commas,
Happy -- wait, where am I?
Go fetch my pajamas!
Retired February 14, 2008
Rushing Bum
You're right up my alley,
Like Mad Train, you're sweet
Happy Valentine's Day,
Got any spare meat?
Poems Added on February 14, 2007
Sorority Orc
I, like, love your popped collar?
Come share my bunk?
We should totally hook up?
I'm, like, so drunk?
Spooky Clown
There is such a fine line
Between love and fear
Your love makes me float
But we all float down here.
Animated Nightstand
We're meant for each other
It's easy to see
Come over here, baby
Let's have one of me.
Flaming Troll
u totally suk d00d
get outta my place
we'd make a gud match, tho
my butt and your face!
Retired February 14, 2008
Anime Smiley
You zerg rush'd my heart
Your love gets me high
Come give me a kiss
You're oh em gee KAWAIIIIIIII!!11!!11!!!?!!?!
Bugged Bugbear
You're cute (for a human)
My heart you have won
Happy Valentine's
MySQL error: line 21
Retired February 14, 2008
Poems Added on February 14, 2008
Ed the Undying
I'm so into you
That the grave I'm defying,
I promise my love for you
Will be... UNDYING!!!
Dandy Lion
I think that you're dandy
There's no use denyin'
When I say "I love you,"
You know I'm not lion.
Casagnova Gnome
Come to me, querida,
How happy we'll be,
We'll do the fagndagngo
And dagnce cheek-to-knee.
Hunchbacked Minion
From thpare partth I can fashion
A love tho divine,
If your heart'th been broken
Pleathe take one of mine.
Attention-Deficit Demon
I bought you some roses
From gardens in hell,
Hey, did you know starfish
Have no sense of smell?
Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot
Ghost Pickle on a Stick
I'll give you some lovin'
You'll be sure to savor
Ever been in a pickle?
I'll return the favor.
BASIC Elemental
I've said it before
And I'll say it again:
10 PRINT "I Love You"
20 GOTO 10
Emo Squid
Please be my Valentine
Or I will cry
Well, I guess if you do
Or you don't, I will cry.
Baby Gravy Fairy
Do you love me, baby?
Give me your answer
Please hold me closer,
I'm your tiny dancer.
Sleazy Gravy Fairy
Do you love me, baby?
Give me your answer
When we're alone
I'll be your private dancer.
Levitating Potato
When I think about you
It gives me a shock,
My love for you
Could power a clock.
- The poem "Mi amor para ti / Es sin todo cuidado / He caído por ti / Como en un piso mojado." translates to "My love for you / Is without any caution / I've fallen for you / Like on a wet floor."
- "It's always 4:20" refers to consuming marijuana, a popular hippy habit.
- The final line in the Lumberjack's poem refers to "The Lumberjack Song" by Monty Python's Flying Circus.
- The elf farm girl's poem is also a palindrome, made out of some other popular palindromes.
- The final line in the Spooky Clown's poem refers to the evil clown in the novel It by Stephen King. One of It's catchphrases is "We all float down here." Often he adds "you'll float too."
- Zerg rushing refers to a tactic in real-time strategy games, originating from the game StarCraft, where a player masses a small amount of units and attacks with them early on in the game.
- The final line in the Animated Nightstand's poem refers to a "one-night stand", a slang term for a sexual tryst that lasts for, obviously, one night only.
- The last line in the Bugged Bugbear poem refers to an error message in MySQL, as it is a "Bugged" Bugbear.
- The rhyme in the Mariachi Calavera poem references a common warning on wet floor signs, "Cuidado, piso mojado", meaning, "Caution, wet floor".
- The last line in the Baby Gravy Fairy poem is a reference to Elton John's song "Tiny Dancer".
- Similarly, the last line in the Sleazy Gravy Fairy poem is a reference to Tina Turner's song "Private Dancer".
- The Levitating Potato poem references the science kits that use a potato as a power source for a digital clock.