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Zone Num 456
Location The Glaciest
Recom Stat 0
Combat %
Terrain indoor
refreshedit data
VYKEA is located on The Glaciest and is filled with vikings and furniture.

Combat Adventures

VYKEA viking (female) This monster is a Dude -- (edit metadata)
  • Item Drops: VYKEA instructions, VYKEA hex key, VYKEA woadpaint
  • Meat Drop: None
  • Monster Level: Player's Moxie+10 (Cap at 12500) • Substat Gain: unknownMoxie for No Hit*: Player's Moxie+10 (Cap at 12500)
  • Monster Defense: Player's Muscle+10
  • Hit Points: 75% of Monster Defense
  • Initiative: 0
  • Elemental Alignment: cold, weak against hot and spooky

VYKEA viking (male) This monster is a Dude -- (edit metadata)
  • Item Drops: VYKEA instructions, VYKEA hex key, VYKEA woadpaint
  • Meat Drop: None
  • Monster Level: Player's Moxie+6 (Cap at 12000) • Substat Gain: unknownMoxie for No Hit*: Player's Moxie+6 (Cap at 12000)
  • Monster Defense: Player's Muscle+6
  • Hit Points: 75% of Monster Defense
  • Initiative: 0
  • Elemental Alignment: cold, weak against hot and spooky

Non-combat Adventures

Just Some Oak and Some Pine and a Handful of Norsemen
  • Note: Occurs on first visit to the zone.

Exclam.gif VYKEA!


  • All vikings are accompanied by a random piece of furniture with its own item drops.
  • If on the fill Walford's bucket with balls quest, one of the following messages will appear after defeating a monster in this zone:
You find a bin of colorful plastic balls, labelled "BALLAR $.99". You look around to make sure no one's looking, and drop a couple in your bucket. (Walford's bucket filled by 1%)
There's a bin of large brightly-colored balls here, labelled "GYCKLAREÄGG $11.99" -- a bit steep, but you're stealing them anyway. Into the bucket they go! (Walford's bucket filled by 1%)
Additionally, with at least +50% item drops from monsters: (Walford's bucket filled by an additional 1%)
  • If on the fill Walford's bucket with blood quest, one of the following messages will appear after defeating a monster in this zone:
There's a bin full of medical blood-bags here, with a sign that says "BLOD $4.99". You tut and write another O on the sign -- they were so close! And then you empty one of the bags into your bucket as payment for your proofreading work. (Walford's bucket filled by 1%)
You find a large plastic tarp (TÅRP, $1.99) laid out on the ground, with spatters of blood all over it. Maybe the Vykings use it for duels or whatever? Anyway, you scrape up some of the blood for your bucket. (Walford's bucket filled by 1%)
You find a shelf full of glass bottles of blood, labelled "LINGON $1.49". I guess 'lingon' is Vyking for 'blood'? Whatever; you pour one into your bucket. (Walford's bucket filled by 1%)
Additionally, if you have caused bleeding damage during the fight (see charter guide for details): You survey the grisly mess left behind after the fight. Suppressing a shudder, you soak up some of the blood and wring a little extra into Walford's bucket. (Walford's bucket filled by an additional 1%)
  • If on the fill Walford's bucket with bolts quest, one of the following messages will appear after defeating a monster in this zone:
You find a basket of pointy bolts labelled "SKRUVAR $.10" and toss a handful in your bucket. (Walford's bucket filled by 1%)
You wander into a room that appears to be where the demo furniture is built. There's a barrel of spare bolts nearby, so you grab a handful for Walford's bucket before anyone notices you. (Walford's bucket filled by 1%)
Additionally, with a VYKEA hex key equipped: You use your handy hex key to yank some random bolts out of some random pieces of furniture before you leave. (Walford's bucket filled by an additional 1%)
  • If on the fill Walford's bucket with chicken quest, one of the following messages will appear after defeating a monster in this zone:
You find a bin of individually wrapped chickens (labelled "JORDANKA"), and drop a couple into your bucket after making sure nobody's watching. (Walford's bucket filled by 1%)
You find one of the white wire bins that are ubiquitous around this place... except this one is upside-down like a cage, and has a single live chicken clucking inside it. The label reads "RÖVHÅL $.05". You wrestle it into your bucket, and it bites your ear in the process. (Walford's bucket filled by 1%)
  • If on the fill Walford's bucket with chum quest, one of the following messages will appear after defeating a monster in this zone:
You find a bin full of chopped and mangled fish; the label reads "KAMRAT $2.49". You discreetly toss some into your chum bucket before anyone notices. (Walford's bucket filled by 1%)
You find a bin full of fish tails, which is labelled "FISKRÖVAR $.39". You toss a few into your bucket. (Walford's bucket filled by 1%)
Additionally, with at least +100% non-familiar bonus Meat drops: You find some little scraps of Meat lying around that are too small to spend. You scrape them up and drop them in the chum bucket. (Walford's bucket filled by an additional 1%)
  • If on the fill Walford's bucket with ice quest, one of the following messages will appear after defeating a monster in this zone:
You find a pile of ice cubes, with a sign that says "IS $.99". Which seems oddly ungrammatical, unless they're selling the whole pile for $.99. Anyway, you toss a few into your bucket. (Walford's bucket filled by 1%)
You find a bin full of ice cubes labelled "ISBITAR $.25"; since Walford didn't specify what flavor ice he wanted, you dump a handful into the bucket. (Walford's bucket filled by 1%)
Additionally, if 10 or more Cold Damage was dealt during combat: You gather up some of the extra ice that got created during the fight... (Walford's bucket filled by an additional 1%)
  • If on the fill Walford's bucket with milk quest, one of the following messages will appear after defeating a monster in this zone:
There's a bin of little half-pint milk cartons here. The sign says "MJÖLK $.99", because of course it does. You pour one into your bucket while nobody's watching. (Walford's bucket filled by 1%)
You find a bin full of little vials of what appears to be milk. The sign says "TJURSÄDEVÄTSKA $8.99", which is meaningless to you, but the picture on the vials looks like a cow, and that's good enough for you to empty a couple into your bucket. (Walford's bucket filled by 1%)
  • If on the fill Walford's bucket with moonbeams quest, one of the following messages will appear after defeating a monster in this zone:
Moonlight is streaming down through a skylight in the roof, and into a bin labelled "MÅNSKEN $7.99". You... hold your bucket up to catch some? (Walford's bucket filled by 1%)
A bin here holds a bunch of little gray boxes labelled "MÅNEBRAKSKIT". When you open one, moonlight comes out! So you empty a few more into your bucket. (Walford's bucket filled by 1%)
Additionally, without a hat equipped: A bunch of extra moonbeams slip past your unadorned head and land in Walford's bucket. (Walford's bucket filled by an additional 1%)
  • If on the fill Walford's bucket with rain quest, one of the following messages will appear after defeating a monster in this zone:
You look out the window, and discover that it's raining. You catch some in your bucket before one of the Vykings notices and tries to charge you for it. (Walford's bucket filled by 1%)
Looks like the VYKEA has a leaky ceiling -- someone's left a bowl underneath a steady drip. Someone has also been enterprising enough to put up a sign that says "REGN $4.99". You take a little, with a SJÖSTJÄRNA discount. (Walford's bucket filled by 1%)


  • One big reference to IKEA, Sweden's gift to the world. Wares at IKEA all have names that for a non-Scandinavian might sound somewhat eldritch.
  • All the names for wares in the quest messages are Swedish, but not always exactly proper or logical Swedish:
    • BALLAR does actually mean "balls", but is a slang term and only ever means balls in the testicle sense of "having balls". (The more proper word to use would be BOLLAR.)
    • GYCKLAREÄGG means "jester egg". We're not sure what that refers to and we're afraid to ask.
    • BLOD is proper Swedish for "blood". Stop vandalizing our signs.
    • TÅRP doesn't actually mean anything. The actual Swedish word for the item would be "presenning".
    • LINGON means, well, "lingonberries". Also known as cowberries, or vaccinium vitis-idaea, if you ask Wikipedia.
    • SKRUVAR means "screws" (aka "bolts").
    • JORDANKA means "earth duck". As opposed to the Grimace ducks, you see.
    • RÖVHÅL fittingly means "asshole", in both the literal and figurative sense.
    • KAMRAT means "comrade", comrade.
    • FISKRÖVAR means "fish asses".
    • IS means "ice" and ISBITAR means "ice cubes". So there you go. (The mention of flavor is probably because the label is being misread as "IS BITTER".)
    • MJÖLK does indeed just mean "milk".
    • TJURSÄDEVÄTSKA, on the other hand, means "bull semen". Maybe not quite the kind of milk you were looking for. (And should be TJURSÄDESVÄTSKA to be correct.)
    • MÅNSKEN simply means "moonlight".
    • MÅNE means "moon", and BRAKSKIT is a slang term for an extraordinarily loud fart. Make of that what you will. (For it to be grammatically correct, it would be MÅNBRAKSKIT, not that that would make a lot more sense.)
    • REGN means "rain". SJÖSTJÄRNA means "starfish". Get it?