User talk:Brion thenotgiant

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Instructions for a Pleasant Talk Experience
In the interest of keeping discussions in one place:
  • If I posted a note on your talk page with a question or a comment, feel free to respond there.
  • If you post a new discussion on my talk page in the "#External Responses" section, I will respond on your talk page (so you get reply notifications), with the original note and any applicable response, at which point any further discussion can be continued on your talk page.
  • If you post a new discussion on my talk page in the "#Internal Responses" section, I will respond in the same place and the discussion can continue here. Note that the "new section" command will place comments here.
  • If you post a new discussion on your talk page, I will ignore you because you are obviously crazy.

External Responses

Internal Responses


Sorry about the whip thing. Than vs. then is a fight that then always wins. Or is it than? Also, am stealing your intructions--Brion thenotgiant 03:51, 18 April 2009 (UTC)

  • how u mine 4 grammerlul. But seriously, it's not hard to remember. ThAn is used to compAre; thEn is used to imply a sense of order in timE (think first, then second, then third; if-then-else). --BagatelleT/C 16:08, 18 April 2009 (UTC)
    • well said. --Evilkolbot 18:45, 18 April 2009 (UTC)