I thought this would be a good first edit attempt. If I mess up my own page, who'll care? Me....
A note: Storella is apparently female -- at least, everyone seems to think so.
Storella was created and intended to be a storage place (get it?) for other accounts -- until the Policies of Loathing were viewed again, and more closely. Thus she gained her independence, wandering the land as a toddler newestbie.
One day, not longer after birth (afterbirth?!), Storella looked at clans she could join and wondered, "Yes, but what's it like from the inside?" You know: the creation and administration of a clan. And with a Donation and hundreds of thousands of meat, a clan was born! But what to call it? Something that should reflect the original membership and attract the type of folk we wanted. Snugglemonsters, yes. Just the right amount of scary (not much), friendly (lots) and whimsical (also lots, not to be confused with Fudgesicles).
Storella enjoys interacting with clannies and other nice citizens. She used to visit /newbie chat a lot, and was thus able to find some nice clannies. Lately, adventuring, clan administration, and having fun with clannies all mean less time in /newbie -- but who could miss it, with all this?
Update! As of the end of 2007, #816292 now has the largest displayed collections of Bottled Inspiration and Tiny Plastic Senile Lihc.
Update update!! As of August 2008, thanks to a generous clan at birthday time, #816292 also has the largest displayed collection of tiny plastic Ed the Undying! I love Ed. :) Poor Ed. :(
Still top in all three categories, halfway through 2011. :D
Happy Adventuring!
Snugglemonsters public and private forums and (Neither is used or updated much; we're all about the intra-clan stuff.) Update in 2011: external forums just aren't used, and I've taken down the clan Website.
--StorellaDeville 08:41, 14 June 2011 (UTC)