From TheKolWiki
This sample script takes a list of pages from a specified text file and renames them, one at a time, from "[pagename]/data" to "Data:[pagename]" (as was originally done on this wiki on January 6, 2007 when the Data namespace was introduced).
<? require('../lib/'); $bot = new wikibot('', 'username', 'password', FALSE); if ($argc != 2) { echo "Syntax: [php] bulkrename.php <filename>\n"; return 1; } if (!is_file($argv[1])) { echo "Unable to open file $argv[1]!\n"; return 2; } $result = $bot->login(); if ($result) die("Login failed - error $result"); else echo "Login successful.\n"; $pages = file($argv[1]); $total = count($pages); echo "Beginning bulk rename of $total pages...\n"; for ($i = 0; $i < $total; $i++) { $cur = pagenum($i, $total); echo "$cur/$total - processing... "; $oldtitle = trim($pages[$i]); $newtitle = "Data:".str_replace('/data', '', $oldtitle); if (!$oldtitle) { echo "no title, skipping.\n"; continue; } $data = $bot->loadPage($oldtitle); echo "$oldtitle -> $newtitle - "; if (!is_array($data)) { echo "error loading page ($data), skipping.\n"; continue; } $result = $bot->movePage($oldtitle, $newtitle, "Moving to data namespace ($cur/$total)"); if ($result) echo "failed ($result)!\n"; else echo "done!\n"; $bot->checkAbort(); } echo "Bulk rename completed.\n"; $result = $bot->logout(); if ($result) die("Logout failed - error $result\n"); else echo "Logout successful.\n"; ?>