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FlyingDutchman (#346586)is a KOL player, best known for his mystery auctions: The winners never got what they expected but were always satisfied! At the moment there are no mystery auctions any more since FD is doing hardcore ascensions, but they will be continued someday.


FlyingDutchman collects pasta spoons, feel free to send him any spare ones you may have lying around. The reason of this collections is, as of yet, unclear, but maybe one day there'll be a use for all those spoons after all.


FD has two multis named Dutchie (#530793) and Tiny Plastic Flying Dutchman (#623553).


Previously, FD was a member of MafiaScum. In june 2005 he was invited into 888, but his multi Dutchie has stayed there. TP FD is a member of the Hogs of Destiny.

Proud member of Fluffymuffin Cocobutter Number 1 Lucky 888 Clan