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Monster Manuel Entries
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How to Manuel

Hi! So you just kicked your habit of drinking paint thinner, and you want to Manuel with the best of them. This is a guide to show what you're going to need to go through to get that elusive score of nhgfngfn (or whatever the top score is). This guide assumes meat is no object, so please take that into consideration. It also assumes you're sober. Don't drink and Guide.

Getting Started

While some items are optional, others are necessary. Here's a list of some things you'll need and some that will be a huge help along the way. IMPORTANT NOTE: If you don't have Manuel just yet, and want to get cracking on it, DON'T FINISH JICK'S PSYCHO JAR. Otherwise you'll be locked out of the procedurally generated skeleton, and you'll fall into a paint thinner drinking relapse.


  • Manuel: Duh. If you don't have one, you should pick one up. I'll wait.
  • VIP Key: Needed for Fax access, which is required for older monsters and butts. That's a sentence that exists. The list of Fax monsters is below.
  • Barrel Shrine: Needed for The Barrelmech
  • Nanorhino: Technically not necessary, but to get the Goo combats without one is very wasteful and silly and you're silly and don't do that.
  • Deck of Every Card: Technically not necessary, but the randomosity of trying to get the deck only combats through gift cards makes it difficult, and you'll end up giving up and working the night shift at Denny's while drinking paint thinner.
  • genie bottle: The ability to wish for three monsters fights a day, making it enormously useful. If you don't have one, you might rely on pocket wishes.

Huge Help

  • Artistic Goth Kid / Mini-Hipster: The monsters can be copied / faxed, but it always helps to have a separate source.
  • Spooky Putty sheet / Rain-Doh black box: The best reusable copiers in the game, with an added +1 copy if you have both. Not having at least one of these means you'll be relying on non-IotM copiers, causing you to take until the heat death of the universe to finish your Manuel.
  • Obtuse Angel / Reanimated Reanimator / Source Terminal: Some extra arrow / wink copies can help you along.
  • Chateau: An extra static copy that persists across ascensions is nice, especially since it doesn't take up a daily fax.
  • Comma Chameleon: Can take the place of any of the abouve familiars, and any future familiars that may be needed.
  • Tiny Costume Wardrobe: Can randomly take the place of any of the abouve familiars, and any future familiars that may be needed. It's not reliable, and gets less reliable the more familiars there are, but it works.


The Monsters

After doing a full statistical analysis, the voices in my head (all named Carol) tell me that the majority of Manuel can be taken care of in your first two ascensions. I trust them. You should trust them. This means adventuring everywhere, opening everything up, and doing what you would normally do in an ascension, only doing it with the purpose of factoid hunting. I'll wait. Are you through with the general areas yet? Good. Here's a breakdown of all in-between stuff that needs to be done after the general areas are cleared out.


Alternating Monsters

These monsters, save for one, alternate based whether your ascension is odd or even:


These monsters are only available if you ascend to a particular sign.


These monsters are only available if you ascend to a particular challenge path.


These monsters require you to be a certain class.

Once Per Ascension

One per ascension monsters can only be fought once per ascension. And in other news this evening, water is wet.


Antique Maps





  • All 4 forms of Your Nemesis
  • 4th Tier Nemesis Assassin
  • 3rd Tier Nemesis Assassin
    • Auto-populates, but because it's stat based, you can stasis it before fighting the 4th tier assassin
  • The Unknown Your Class Here


Conditional Monsters and Hidden Stuff You Might Miss

This section covers stuff that's easy to miss if your ex calls you and DAMMIT JULIA YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO TAKE THE CAT WITH YOU! ...sorry. Here are the things you should look out for.


  • Cola Wars: This zone is only accessible to those with Fernswarthy's key that are either level 4 or 5. Probably the easiest zone to forget about.
  • The Road to the White Citadel: Only available after getting the White Citadel quest, and closes when you find it. Don't forget the monsters trapped at the witch's hut.
  • The Enormous Greater-Than Sign becomes replaced by The Dungeons of Doom
  • The Volcano Lair: The inside clears out when you beat your nemesis, and is only open for a limited number of turns before the nemesis shows up. Also, the zone outside the volcano clears out for all classes except Seal Clubbers and Turtle Tamers.
  • Island: The Frat and Hippy camp change at level 9, so combat frequency decreases. It changes to it's verge of war status when you start the war quest but before you start the war. Post-war, you're going to be locked out of one, or both, of these sides; the Bombed out camps only show up when you defeat that side, locking you out of the pre-war zone.
  • War: Lasts at most 1000 combats (per side), decreased by the amount of side quests beaten, and certain enemies only show up at certain intervals.
  • Jick's Obsessions: After clearing out 373 skeletons, you're permanently locked out. Sorry, buddy. Put the paint thinner down.

Sneaky Monsters

Holidays & Misc

The Fax Machine

There are many monsters that are now only available through the Fax Network (or a very lucky Deck of Card draw). Take this thing, for example. That is a monster. It wants to be your friend. It wants to be inside Manuel. Don't you want that too? It's available through the Fax Network. Here's a recent list of other such monsters. Make sure to read the instructions:


Unavailable Monsters

Ok, stop crying. I said stop crying. Put down the paint thinner. One day at a time, buddy. These monsters used to be around, and have factoids that were obtainable, but are now unavailable through any means. For now, just be patient, and they might come back at a later time.

Formally Unavailable Monsters

These monsters used to be unavailable, but were placed back in the game later on:

Strategy / Road Map

This section is a road map to help streamline your collecting. There are a few things to note:

  • This is by no means a guide to ascending "well", and assumes you're only ascending for factoids.
  • There's an important synergy with Manuel and Rain Man, so if you don't get all the factoids from a Fax only monster in one day, move on. It'll be collected in your Rain Man skill for later during cleanup.
  • The orders of the paths, and which classes you use for them, are up to you, so feel free to mix and match to your liking. I do heavily suggest, however, keeping Heavy Rains last.
  • This guide assumes you just bought Manuel and are about to ascend immediately.

Ascension 1

  • Path: BHY
  • Class: Seal Clubber
  • Sign: Gnomish Gnomads
  • Tower: Gopher & Duck
  • War: Hippy
  • Citadel: Witch's Hut & Extremely Annoyed Witch
  • Nemesis: #1
  • Sea: Hatred

Do all of the general stuff, the first alternating stuff, and the first of 3 general 1/ascension monsters. Since this will be the longest run, time sensitive monsters (Barrelmech, SMOOCH members, Daily Dungeon, clan dungeon bosses, etc.) can either be done now, or during the last cleanup run.

Ascension 2-3

  • Path: WotSF
  • Class: Disco Bandit
  • Sign: Canadia
  • Tower: Gopher & Duck
  • War: Hippy
  • Citadel: Witch's Hut & Extremely Annoyed Witch
  • Nemesis: #1-2
  • Sea: Hatred & Violence

This should finish up all the alternating stuff and the general 1/ascension monsters. From this point until Heavy Rains, finish the War as a Frat (or a Hippy if you still need to get War Heroes).

Ascension 4

  • Path: WotSF
  • Class: Disco Bandit
  • Sign: Canadia
  • Tower: Chihuahua & Kiwi
  • Citadel: Surprised and annoyed witch
  • Nemesis: #3

This will finish your Disco Bandit and Canadia runs. From this point, ascend in a Knoll sign.

Ascension 5-6

  • Path: Zombie
  • Tower: Chihuahua & Kiwi
  • Aftercore Class: Sauceror
  • Citadel: Surprised and annoyed witch
  • Nemesis: #1-2
  • Sea: Hatred & Violence

This will finish up the alternating Topiaries and Citadel Witches.

Ascension 7

  • Path: Zombie
  • Aftercore Class: Sauceror
  • Nemesis: #3

This finishes up Zombie and Sauceror. From this point, it's fairly easy.

Ascension 8-10

  • Path: Boris
  • Aftercore Class: Turtle Tamer
  • Nemesis: #1-3
  • Sea: Hatred & Violence

Ascension 11-13

  • Path: Jarlsberg
  • Aftercore Class: Pastamancer
  • Nemesis: #1-3
  • Sea: Hatred & Violence

Ascension 14-16

  • Path: Sneaky Pete
  • Aftercore Class: Accordion Thief
  • Nemesis: #1-3
  • Sea: Hatred & Violence

Ascension 17-18

  • Path: Ed
  • Aftercore Class: Seal Clubber
  • Nemesis: #2-3
  • Sea: Violence

Remember to do Cyrus as Ed. This should finish your base classes, so from this point, use any class you want.

Ascension 19

  • Path: Ed
  • Sea: Dad #1

Ascension 20-23

  • Path: Bugbears
  • Sea: Dad #2-3

And that's it for Dad!

Ascension 24-26

  • Path: KOLHS

Ascension 27

  • Path: West of Loathing
  • Class: Any

Ascension 28-30

  • Path: Pokefam
  • War: Hippy

Ascension 31-33

  • Path: Pokefam
  • War: Frat

Ascension 34-36

  • Path: The Source

Ascension 37-39

  • Path: License to Adventure

Ascension 40-42

  • Path: Heavy Rains
  • War: Hippy

Ascension 43-45

  • Path: Heavy Rains
  • War: Frat


Now that you're done, you should still be in Heavy Rains. The reason for doing this path last is to make use of Rain Man. All the monsters you faxed in that weren't finished should be available to use with that skill, so there's no need to waste a daily fax to get a new copy of them. If new future paths add to the Road Map, unless they offer a similar mechanic, I still recommend your cleanup run as Heavy Rains. Also, if you didn't do the time sensitive stuff after ascension 1, cleanup is the time to do it. As for anything else, like I said earlier, Turing's Manuel Script for Mafia is a great way to double check what you may need.

So... yeah. You're done. High fives all around, I guess.


  • Q. There's an error / something missing. How can I correct / add to this guide?
    • A. IT'S A WIKI, JULIA! You didn't have any problem editing my ownership of the cat!
  • Q. My friend drinks a lot of paint thinner. How can I help him?
    • A. Call poison control.