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Dotts began his life as a Turtle Tamer way back in December of 2004, when he managed to just sneak in for the Crimbo celebrations(snagging himself a TPS among other things.) He went on to create his own clan called Complete and Utter Nonsense. After this, he started playing in /c games and managed to become quite enamored with the Renegades of Funk.

After a few months in his new clan, the Renegades had a large split mostly due to actions of the leader versus actions of the former council in charge. The large clan split in three, and he was unsure as to where his loyalty lay. So he stayed on and eventually became a moderator for the clan forums.

Eventually, he decided to seek greener pastures and moved on to the Garden of Earthly Delights where most of his old buddies that had split from RoF had gone. He organised and watched over their Spooky Ooky celebrations in October of 2005.

Being the wanderer that he is, he wandered over to Demonology for a short period of time before lodging himself in Jicken Wings, and then running away to Aflubadubdub!