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Location Egg
Sleazy Back Alley red paisley oyster egg
The Haunted Pantry yellow polka-dot oyster egg

Bees Invade Slow School's Pig Class; Boris's Big Picky Fist Slays Pete's & Jarlsberg's Trendy Raincoats.

These copiers need the "no longer copyable" message: envyfish egg, ice sculpture, Spooky Putty monster (and technically the wax bugbear but we're never going to get that one).

  • vanilla, named param: view
  • vanilla, unnamed param: view
  • mafia, named param: view
  • mafia, unnamed param: view


(bluebar) Just kidding.

We don't sell extra Adventures, because we think that would be gross and exploitative! But speaking of gross and exploitative... since you're here...

Welcome to my messy user page. I became an administrator of the wiki on September 23, 2013. If you need anything from me or any help, leave a message on my talk page.

Jick Smooches Me

/hardcore, April 12, 2015, EDT

[18:13:44] Cool12309: Why are trivials posted in chat but not updates?
[18:14:10] Jick: They're often too long.

[18:15:02] Cool12309: Hey Jick, while you're here, can you tell us why/when actual tapas are going to drop?
[18:15:33] The Amazing Mr Toothpaste: That was going to be my question to the podcast in a few weeks.
[18:16:10] The Amazing Mr Toothpaste: Although as soon as they drop, having them in my consumption history is no longer special.
[18:16:30] Jick: Oh, lemme look at that tapas.
[18:21:30] Jick: There. Tapas drapas.
[18:22:09] Cool12309: This is trivial announcement worthy. Or maybe even full update worthy.
[18:22:41] tHE eROsIoNseEker: Quantum tapas prestige destroyed.

[18:24:52] Cool12309: Also item ID in item descriptions? If you did that I'd love you even more forever, Jick/CDM/whoever
[18:25:02] Cool12309: (Let's exploit Jick's presence! :D)
[18:25:23] Jick: Just, like, in a comment, cool?
[18:26:04] Cool12309: Like how effect IDs are in effect descriptions
[18:26:14] Jick: They are?
[18:26:18] Cool12309: yes
[18:26:32] Cool12309: <!-- effectid: 1570 -->
[18:26:37] Jick: Ah.
[18:26:53] Cool12309: I think someone asked and CDM added it
[18:28:47] Cool12309: <!-- itemid: 7293 -->
[18:28:53] Cool12309: Jick. I think I'm in love with you.
[18:30:23] Jick smooches Cool12309.
[18:31:20] Cool12309 swoons

[18:36:20] Cool12309: Hm, if you're still here Jick, why do elemental wads say they're meatsmithing ingredients but do not meatsmith into anything? Is there undiscovered content, a leftover from some testing, or just an error?
[18:36:45] Jick: They were part of a plan that never happened, Cool.
[18:36:58] Cool12309: Is there a plan to make them happen?
[18:37:03] Jick: Probably not.
[18:37:19] Jick: Meatsmithing is pretty comprehensively ignored.
[18:37:20] tHE eROsIoNseEker: Twinkly gems?
[18:37:32] YOjImboS_law: oh, how about the pizza revamp?
[18:37:42] yojIMBoS_lAw: can it make TTs the best HC class? :D
[18:37:42] Jick: Heh. One of these days.
[18:37:43] Loathmast: Jick, thank you for making Hobopolis
[18:37:47] DrMotives: The horadric pizza cube?
[18:37:50] Jick: You're welcome!

[18:39:17] Loathmast: Jick, will there ever be more Alices Army content?
[18:39:22] Jick: Probably not.

[18:41:13] YOJiMbOs_law: oh yeah, are there going to be commendations for Standard?
[18:41:24] Jick: Haven't decided yet, Yoj.

100% Completion

So my goals for 100% completion only apply to me and they might not be even close to realistic, but these would be what I consider "necessary" to attain 100% completion on my account:

  • I might have a few new demon names missing?
  • Probably missing a few arcade item unlocks.
  • Missing 1 hobocobo code.
  • Make all of bumcheekcity snapshot green that is not listed above (mostly collect the various item sets).

3446 Bug

First noticed on June 27, 2014 in a bug report at 12:57 PM PDT by an undisclosed person, a bug was found that all items with an item ID between the range of 2081 through 5526 (inclusive) did not show when browsing someone's store or through the Inventory Management interface when adding items to the store. They were also not showing in the Favorite Food/Booze pages (or next to those words on people's profiles, public and private). They were showing fine when equipped and in the closet, DC, Hagnk's, and inventory. They are also showing when searched through the mall, but buying them did not place anything in their store logs. It was first seen fixed at 2:27 PM PDT on the same day.

WarBear Gear


Image Name Enchantment
warbear plain fedora +5% Item Drops from WarBears
Combat Initiative +25%
Maximum HP/MP +50
warbear feathered fedora +10% Item Drops from WarBears
warbear fancy fedora +15% Item Drops from WarBears
Combat Initiative -25%
Maximum HP/MP -50
warbear plain helm +20 WarBear Armor Penetration
Weapon Damage +25%
Spell Damage +50%
warbear spiked helm +40 WarBear Armor Penetration
warbear electro-spiked helm +60 WarBear Armor Penetration
Troubling Vulnerability to All Elements (-5)
All Attributes -25%
warbear plain ushanka Slight Supercold Resistance
So-So Resistance to All Elements (+2)
Regenerate 10-15 HP and MP per adventure
warbear lined ushanka So-So Supercold Resistance
warbear heated ushanka Serious Supercold Resistance
Weapon Damage -25%
Spell Damage -50%


Image Name Enchantment
warbear party pants +5% Item Drops from WarBears
Combat Initiative +25%
Maximum HP/MP +50
warbear ceremonial party pants +10% Item Drops from WarBears
warbear high festival pants +15% Item Drops from WarBears
Combat Initiative -25%
Maximum HP/MP -50
warbear battle greaves +20 WarBear Armor Penetration
Weapon Damage +25%
Spell Damage +50%
warbear officer greaves +40 WarBear Armor Penetration
warbear bearserker greaves +60 WarBear Armor Penetration
Troubling Vulnerability to All Elements (-5)
All Attributes -25%
warbear long johns Slight Supercold Resistance
So-So Resistance to All Elements (+2)
Regenerate 10-15 HP and MP per adventure
warbear fleece-lined long johns So-So Supercold Resistance
warbear electric long johns Serious Supercold Resistance
Weapon Damage -25%
Spell Damage -50%


Image Name Enchantment
warbear laser bowtie +20 WarBear Armor Penetration
Weapon Damage +25%
Spell Damage +50%
warbear plasma bowtie +40 WarBear Armor Penetration
warbear nuclear bowtie +60 WarBear Armor Penetration
Troubling Vulnerability to All Elements (-5)
All Attributes -25%
warbear goggles +5% Item Drops from WarBears
Combat Initiative +25%
Maximum HP/MP +50
warbear snowblindness goggles +10% Item Drops from WarBears
warbear polarized goggles +15% Item Drops from WarBears
Combat Initiative -25%
Maximum HP/MP -50
warbear warscarf Slight Supercold Resistance
So-So Resistance to All Elements (+2)
Regenerate 10-15 HP and MP per adventure
warbear fleece-lined warscarf So-So Supercold Resistance
warbear electric warscarf Serious Supercold Resistance
Weapon Damage -25%
Spell Damage -50%

Pasta Thralls

Thrall t_item item adventure
Angel hair wisp T wisp.gif
Lasagmbie T lasagmbie.gif
Lasagmbie bigitem.gif
Penne Dreadful T dreadful.gif
Spaghetti Elemental T spagdemon.gif
Spagdemon item.gif
Spice Ghost T spiceghost.gif
Spiceghost item.gif
Vampieroghi T vampieroghi.gif
Vampieroghi bigitem.gif
Vermincelli T vermincelli.gif
Vermincelli bigitem.gif
Undead elbow macaroni T elbowmac.gif


Currently known zonefont images (copied from Talk:puff of smoke)

  ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . /
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ?
@ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o
p q r s t u v w x y z [ \ ] ^ _

Chess Parts

  • First: Type (bknpqr)
  • Second: White/Black Piece (bw) (Bp/Wp)
  • Third: White/Black background (bw) (Bb/Wb)
Bp/Bb Bp/Wb Wp/Bb Wp/Wb
Bishop Chess bbb.gif Chess bbw.gif Chess bwb.gif Chess bww.gif
King Chess kbb.gif Chess kbw.gif Chess kwb.gif Chess kww.gif
Knight Chess nbb.gif Chess nbw.gif Chess nwb.gif Chess nww.gif
Pawn Chess pbb.gif Chess pbw.gif Chess pwb.gif Chess pww.gif
Queen Chess qbb.gif Chess qbw.gif Chess qwb.gif Chess qww.gif
Rook Chess rbb.gif Chess rbw.gif Chess rwb.gif Chess rww.gif


Ways meat enter the game (excluding bugmeat):

Ways meat leave the game (excluding permanently banned accounts):

Showplayer Messages

Miscellaneous Links

Spending Spree March 2nd, 2014 Never Forget

You fill out the Pen Pal Acquisition form and drop the application in the nearest mailbox. Almost immediately, you get a message from your brand new pen pal, who is apparently a kid named Tommy Tate. Cool!
(Only one correspondent may be active at a time, your Pen Pal is now active and this may be changed in the Options Menu.)
You carefully place the Libram on the bookshelf in your campsite.
You put the fairy-worn boots in your Familiar-Gro™ Terrarium.
They begin to stomp and dance of their own volition. Must be some leftover fairy magic in there.
You decide to name him Gonald.

(at some point in the days coming I got a stinky cheese foldable, and then a few days later a pantsrack)

Drawn Onward/Dr. Awkward/Mr. Alarm's Office

Drawn Onward

The door to Dr. Awkward's office opens, not into an office, but into a small antechamber with no visible exits other than the door you just came in.

The back wall has a curious display -- a column of four empty photo frames. You dig through your bag to see if you have any photographs that look like they'd fit in the frames...

Top Photo: <dropdown>
Second Photo: <dropdown>
Third Photo: <dropdown>
Bottom Photo: <dropdown>

Arrange the photos
  • Incorrect arrangement:

Nothing happens -- that must not be the proper arrangement of photographs.

  • Correct arrangement:

As you finish placing the photographs in the frames, you hear a loud rumbling noise. A section of the wall slides sideways, revealing a tall, narrow niche behind the stonework, and in the niche stands the Staff of Fats. Excitedly, you reach for it, but just then there is a shout behind you:

"Stop, spots!"


You spin around to see a bald man in spectacles and a very severe black trench coat striding toward you. "Stop! Nine myriad murmur! Put up rum -- rum, dairymen! In pots!"

"I have absolutely no idea what you're talking ab-- ow!" (That's where he clubbed you on the head.)

"Draw, o coward!" he hisses, as he pulls a thin rapier from his cane and advances on you.

"Oh, it's on, buddy."

You ready your weapon and charge forward, only to trip over your own feet and fall on your face. "O tarts! A castrato!" laughs the sinister figure. You stand, growling, and launch yourself at him again, with much the same result. It's as though all your aptitudes and reflexes have been drained by his evil presence!

He leaves you beaten to a pulp and strides away with the Staff of Fats, chuckling evilly. Jerk.

HPYou lose all hit points.

But wait... what's this? He seems to have dropped the second volume of his autobiography...

Book4.gifYou acquire an item: "2 Love Me, Vol. 2"


Walls are boring. You leave.

Occurs in The Palindome, when visiting Dr. Awkard's office. [note: do we need a page for his office that redirects to Drawn Onward?]


[not sure where to put this:]

  • Trying to go into Dr. Awkward's office after receiving the 2nd volume:
    No, you got your ass pretty comprehensively kicked the last time you went in there. You clearly need to do some preparation first. Maybe that book he dropped will offer some insight.

any message for reading 2nd volume but not visiting mr. alarm?

  • Trying to go into Dr. Awkward's office after talking to Mr. Alarm
    You should get that counter-charm from Mr. Alarm before you try fighting Dr. Awkward again.
  • Visiting Mr. Alarm's office

Inside the office, you see a guy in a lab coat standing at a sink, washing beakers. You step up behind the man and tap him on the shoulder.

"Oh, hello! Can I help you with something? I'm Mr. Alarm, Mr. Alan Alarm."

"Did you once work for Dr. Awkward?"

He flinches, and his eye starts to twitch. "How did you know that? Did he send you? I moved all the way to the other side of the building to get away from that jerk!"

"No no, I'm trying to find a way to penetrate his ineptitude field. He dropped a book when I tried to fight him before, and it mentioned you, so I thought you might be able to help me." You hand him the book, and he flips through it with interest.

"Aha! He's made notes of some of his formulas... All right. I'll tell you what -- I was about to go to lunch, but if you bring me some food, I'll work on a counter-charm. I'm in the mood for a bowl of wet stunt nut stew."

"...Wet stunt nut stew?"

"Yes, yes. Just like my grandmother used to make. She'd make a stock out of bird rib and lion oil, then stew in some stunt nuts. God, my mouth is watering just thinking about it! I'll get to work on the charm; I should be finished by the time you get back."

"Where can I find it?"

"Oh, well, I know those dreadful Nas'Kar people inside the dome sometimes use wet stunt nut stew as bait in their party boobytraps. If you can't figure out how to make the stew yourself, maybe you could find some there?"

  • Returning to Mr. Alarm's office
    He's hard at work on your counter-charm, and he's hungry -- you shouldn't go back in there until you've got his stew.

    He suggested checking party boobytraps in the Palindome.
  • Returning with wet stunt nut stew

You return to Mr. Alarm and give him his steaming bowl of salty meat oil. I mean, stew.

"Excellent!" he says. "Mmmmm. Just smell that mouth-watering aroma."

"No thanks. Any luck with that counter-charm?"

He hands you a large crystal on a piece of string. "Here you go. Just wear this around your neck, and it'll nullify Dr. Awkward's ineptitude field. Probably."


"Well, obviously it's untested, but the theory is sound."

You decide to take your chances (not that you've got much choice, if you're going to get the Staff of Fats back). You thank Mr. Alarm for his help, and prepare for the laying-down of some smack.

Megagem.gifYou acquire an item: Mega Gem
  • Returning to Mr. Alarm's office after getting Mega Gem
    You should leave Mr. Alarm alone to enjoy his lunch. Just put on that necklace he made you and go take a bite out of Dr. Awkward!
  • Returning to Mr. Alarm's office after defeating Dr. Awkward
    Mr. Alarm isn't here anymore. OR IS HE?

    No, he's not.
  • Returning to Dr. Awkward's office after defeating him
    Dr. Awkward's office is empty now.

also of note: after defeating Dr. Awkward, it sets your Adventure Again location to the old palindome - "Adventure Again (The Palindome (OLD))". Doesn't appear to change it in the charpane

aftercombat palindome

first combat after talking to mr. alarm starts here, goes in order of combats received. listed after items, before stats.

monster text
tan gnat
You find one of the party boobytraps Mr. Alarm mentioned, but instead of being baited with wet stunt nut stew, it contains so many dynamos! Guess they're trying to catch an electronics nerd.
drab bard
You find one of the party boobytraps Mr. Alarm mentioned, but instead of being baited with wet stunt nut stew, it contains a plate of UFO tofu.
racecar bob
You find one of the party boobytraps Mr. Alarm mentioned, but instead of being baited with wet stunt nut stew, it contains a half-full tube labeled "Bursitis Rub."
evil olive
You find one of the party boobytraps Mr. Alarm mentioned, but instead of being baited with wet stunt nut stew, it contains so many dynamos! Guess they're trying to catch an electronics nerd.
taco cat
You find one of the party boobytraps Mr. Alarm mentioned, but instead of being baited with wet stunt nut stew, it contains wontons. Not now, but later, they will perhaps succeed in catching a hungry partygoer.
flock of stab bats
You find one of the party boobytraps Mr. Alarm mentioned, but instead of being baited with wet stunt nut stew, it contains a tuna nut.
racecar bob
You find one of the party boobytraps Mr. Alarm mentioned, but instead of being baited with wet stunt nut stew, it contains a goldenrod-adorned log. You wonder what they're trying to catch with such a weird thing as bait.
racecar bob
You find one of the party boobytraps Mr. Alarm mentioned, but instead of being baited with wet stunt nut stew, it contains ... a goddamn mad dog! You release it, making it somewhat less mad.
taco cat
You find one of the party boobytraps Mr. Alarm mentioned, but instead of being baited with wet stunt nut stew, it contains the most recent issue of Semite Times magazine.
bob racecar
You find one of the party boobytraps Mr. Alarm mentioned, but instead of being baited with wet stunt nut stew, it contains Liam's mail. I guess they're trying to catch a Liam.
bob racecar
You find one of the party boobytraps Mr. Alarm mentioned, but instead of being baited with wet stunt nut stew, it contains a book of maps, covered in salt and labeled "property of Eve." Did Eve salt an atlas? Eve did.
taco cat
You find one of the party boobytraps Mr. Alarm mentioned, but instead of being baited with wet stunt nut stew, it contains a box of Space Caps, which are apparently some kind of candy.
tan gnat
You find one of the party boobytraps Mr. Alarm mentioned, but instead of being baited with wet stunt nut stew, it contains ... a goddamn mad dog! You release it, making it somewhat less mad.
taco cat
You find one of the party boobytraps Mr. Alarm mentioned, but instead of being baited with wet stunt nut stew, it contains no lemon, no melon, but a different fruit entirely.
drab bard (no exclam)
You find another party boobytrap, and... finally! It's baited with a big steaming bowl of wet stunt nut stew! You grab it.
Soupbowl.gifYou acquire an item: wet stunt nut stew