Unleash the Devil's Kiss

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Failure damage

Unleash the Devil's Kiss

Unleash the Devil's Kiss

Type: Combat
MP Cost: 0

Source: Have a Heck General cape set to "Kiss Me"
Price: N/A
Class: N/A
Level: N/A
Effect: Disintegrates opponent, causing all its (pickpocketable) items to drop
When Used:
  • Against a regular monster:

You say a brief prayer to the Devil of Heck and then give your foe a big kiss. A burst of Heckfire consumes it, but conveniently leaves all of their stuff behind.

Eyes.gifYou acquire an effect: Everything Looks Yellow
(duration: 100 Adventures)

  • Against a monster which cannot be disintegrated:

You say a brief prayer to the Devil of Heck and then give your foe a big kiss. A burst of Heckfire engulfs it, dealing ?-53-? damage.

Eyes.gifYou acquire an effect: Everything Looks Yellow
(duration: 5 Adventures)

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