Universal Seasoning

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Universal Seasoning
Universal Seasoning

Make anything taste amazing.

Type: usable (once per day)
Cannot be traded or discarded

(In-game plural: Universal Seasonings)
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Item number: 10640
Description ID: 607903571
View in-game: view

Obtained From

The Swagger Shop (1,000 swagger) (You must earn 1,000 swagger during a Seasoning to purchase this item.) (First purchase, only available during PvP Seasons 51, 58, and 64)
The Swagger Shop (2,000 swagger) (You must earn 2,000 swagger during a Seasoning to purchase this item.) (Second purchase, only available during PvP Season 58 and 64)
The Swagger Shop (3,000 swagger) (You must earn 3,000 swagger during a Seasoning to purchase this item.) (Third purchase, only available during PvP Season 64)

When Used

  • First X uses per day:
You rip open your packet and get delicious seasoning all over your hands. The packet seals itself back up.

  • Subsequent times
You can't seem to rip the packet open, maybe tomorrow.


  • Usable X times per day, where X is how many copies of it you own.
  • The next X foods eaten after using this grants a random effect or 1 PvP fight:
As you eat, some of the universal spices rubs off your hands onto the food. Whoa, is that <ingredient>? This flavor combination is magical!
SomethingYou acquire an effect: ... something
(duration: 2-6 Adventures)[[Data:{{{effect}}}]]
Some <ingredient> and <ingredient> from your hands gets on your food as you eat. This flavor combination makes you angry!
PvP FightsYou gain 1 PvP Fight.
  • Spading is in progress.
  • This item is not consumed on use.
  • Unused charges of Universal Seasoning will persist through rollover, and it's possible to accumulate multiple charges, although you'll only be able to use one charge per food eaten.
  • From its release on September 1, 2020, until its implementation on November 16, 2020, the use message was "Coming soon! A pvp reward tradition."


"10640" does not have an RSS file (yet?) for the collection database.