Unholy diver

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Unholy diver
Monster ID 745
Locations The Wreck of the Edgar Fitzsimmons
Hit Points 1000
Attack 700
Defense 540
No-Hit 710
Initiative 100
Meat 200-300
Phylum horror
Elements None
Resistance None
Monster Parts arm, head, leg, torso
glowing syringe, rusty broken diving helmet, rusty porthole, rusty rivet, rusty rivet, rusty rivet, rusty rivet
Manuel unholy water
Manuel Entry
refreshedit data
unholy diver You're fighting an unholy diver

This diver hasn't quite been down long enough in the midnight sea, so he doesn't get to ride the tiger yet. It looks like he's channeled his tiger-ride-denied grief into rage, and now he's coming for you. If you're going to be the sole survivor of this fight, you gotta get away, gotta get away.

Hit Message(s):

He produces a giant drill and bores a hole in your arse. Argh! Ooh! Oof! Ooh! Eek! Ouch! Argh! Argh! Ugh! Ooh!

It headbutts you with its heavy helmet. Your head would be swimming after that, if it hadn't already been swimming. Ugh! Ooh! Ow! Ouch! Ugh! Argh! Ow! Oof! Ooh! Ugh!

He swims past you and you cut yourself on a rusty rivet. What a riveting experience! Ow! Eek! Ow! Oof! Ouch! Oof! Ouch! Argh! Oof! Ouch!

Critical Hit Message:

The diver tackles you and holds you down while a creepy-looking little girl pokes you with a syringe. Ugh! Oof! Ooh! Ouch! Argh! Oof! Ugh! Argh! Eek! Argh!

Miss Message(s):

He produces a giant drill and tries to bore a hole in your shoulder, but you're too bored to be bored right now.

It tries to headbutt you, its helmet is too heavy. You know what they say: heavy is the head that wears the really heavy helmet.

He swims past you, flailing ineffectively. Maybe his porthole's gotten fogged up.

Fumble Message:

The diver collapses under the weight of his own helmet, and takes a few moments to struggle back to his feet. (FUMBLE!)

After Combat

Meat.gifYou gain 200-300 Meat (average: 250, stdev: 20.82)*
Syringe.gifYou acquire an item: glowing syringe (4.4% chance)*
Brokenhelmet.gifYou acquire an item: rusty broken diving helmet (3.0% chance)*
Porthole.gifYou acquire an item: rusty porthole (2.3% chance)*
Rivet.gifYou acquire an item: rusty rivet (11% chance)*
Rivet.gifYou acquire an item: rusty rivet (10% chance)*
Rivet.gifYou acquire an item: rusty rivet (2% chance)*
Rivet.gifYou acquire an item: rusty rivet (1% chance)*

Occurs at The Wreck of the Edgar Fitzsimmons.



  • The name and description of this monster reference the rock song "Holy Diver" by Dio.
  • The hit and miss messages with the drill and the creepy little girl refer to the Big Daddies and Little Sisters in the video game BioShock.
  • What they actually say is, "Heavy is the head that wears the crown," but they're misquoting Shakespeare's Henry IV: "Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown."