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Monster ID 1932
Locations Wandering monster from Avatar of West of Loathing
Hit Points  ?
Attack 183(?)
Defense 183(?)
Initiative 0
Meat None
Phylum demon
Elements None
Resistance  ?
Monster Parts face, horn, plinth
corrupted marrow
Manuel Entry
refreshedit data
ungulith You're fighting an ungulith

As you're on the way to wherever you were just going, you see a 30-foot-tall obelisk with a crude cow's head on it. It looks ancient, but it was definitely not there the last time you came through here.

You try to move past it, but find yourself unable to turn away.

Hit Message(s):

Your gaze is drawn to the center of the crude cow head. Your vision flashes gray and your <bung> spasms. Eek! Ow! Ugh! Eek!

Your gaze is drawn to the tip of the crude cow head's right horn. Your vision flashes red and your <ear> bursts into flame. Eek! Eek! Ooh! Ow! (hot damage)

Your gaze is drawn to the tip of the crude cow head's left horn. Your vision flashes blue and your <lower back> freezes. Brrrrrrrrrrr. (cold damage)

Your gaze is drawn to the base of the monolith. Your vision flashes green and the scent of millenia-old manure floods your nostrils. Oof! Ooh! Ugh! Ooh! (stench damage)

Your gaze is drawn to the bottom of the crude cow head. Your vision flashes purple and your <ankle> becomes suddenly moist and sticky. Oof! Ugh! Ugh! Oof! (sleaze damage)

Critical Hit Message:

Your gaze is drawn to the tip of the crude cow head's right horn. Your vision flashes red and your <calf> bursts into flame. (hot damage)

Miss Message(s):

not known

Fumble Message:

not known

After Combat

Gooball.gifYou acquire an item: corrupted marrow

Occurs as a wandering monster while on the Avatar of West of Loathing challenge path.


  • An "ungulate" is a hoofed mammal.