Uncle Gator's is one of four rides in Dinseylandfill. It's home to scaling monsters, and persistent stench damage that can be turned off, eventually.
For the monsters native to this zone, Bonus Monster Level is multiplied by 3 normally, and by 5 if you have changed the machine setting in Gator Gamer.
Combat Adventures
nasty bear -- (edit metadata)
- Item Drops: None
- Meat Drop: None
- Monster Level: 150 • Substat Gain: 37.5 • Moxie for No Hit*: 160
- Monster Defense: 150
- Hit Points: 1000
- Initiative: 0
- Elemental Alignment: stench, weak against cold and sleaze
- Damage Resistance: ?
- Note: Occurs only when taking the Bear Removal job.
Non-combat Adventures
Gator Done
- Note: Occurs on first visit to the zone.
- Banishing does not work here, though other effects tied to the banish source such as running away or instakilling still work:
- This is a really confined space...