Ultimate Legendary Epic Weapon
From TheKolWiki
There are six Ultimate Legendary Epic Weapons in the Kingdom of Loathing, one for each class. All of these weapons have a power of 200, a main attribute requirement of 60, and the same creation method. They replace your Legendary Epic Weapon during the final fight with your Nemesis. If you manage to beat your Nemesis, you'll keep your ULEW at the end of the fight. If you fail, it will revert to its previous form.
- The Seal Clubber's Ultimate Legendary Epic Weapon is the Sledgehammer of the Vælkyr
- The Turtle Tamer's Ultimate Legendary Epic Weapon is the Flail of the Seven Aspects
- The Pastamancer's Ultimate Legendary Epic Weapon is the Wrath of the Capsaician Pastalords
- The Sauceror's Ultimate Legendary Epic Weapon is the Windsor Pan of the Source
- The Disco Bandit's Ultimate Legendary Epic Weapon is Seeger's Unstoppable Banjo
- The Accordion Thief's Ultimate Legendary Epic Weapon is The Trickster's Trikitixa