Two meat muck

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two meat muck
two meat muck

This bottle of wine is so cheap, but so decent, that you have to hang out in the seedier bars of Loathing to even know that it exists. Drinking it is quite the experience

Type: booze (good)
Potency: 3
Level required: 4
Selling Price: 200 Meat.

(In-game plural: bottles of two meat muck)
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Item number: 9898
Description ID: 825078093
View in-game: view
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Obtained From

A Monorail Station
On a Downtown Train
Factory District Shop
Go to a seedy restaurant

When Used

You feel really smug about the experience of drinking this worst-kept-secret of the cheap wine drinking intelligentsia. Mmmm.
AdventuresYou gain 7-8 Adventures.
You gain 40-50 Strengthliness.
You gain 40-50 Mysteriousness.
You gain 40-50 Chutzpah.
You gain 3 Drunkenness.


  • The name refers to the inexpensive Two Buck Chuck wine sold at Trader Joe's.


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