Tree skirt

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tree skirt
tree skirt

This is a skirt you put around a Crimbo tree to keep it from shedding on your floor. Unless you're male, in which case it's a kilt that you put around your Crimbo tree to keep it from shedding on your floor.

Type: pants
Power: 100
Moxie Required: 35
Outfit: Arboreal Raiment
  (3 items)

Cannot be discarded

Moxie +5

(In-game plural: tree skirts)
View metadata
Item number: 1405
Description ID: 321694681
View in-game: view
View market statistics

Obtained From

Obsoleted Areas/Methods
Crimbo 2005
Appeared in players' inventories on December 25, 2005


See Also


Slash.gif can of fake snow | colored-light "necklace" | tree skirt


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