Travis Belmont

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Travis %belmont%
Monster ID 2108
Locations Dr. Awkward's Office
Hit Points 250
Attack 200
Defense 200
Initiative 250
Meat None
Phylum dude
Elements None
Resistance  ?
Monster Parts arm, body, head, leg
red money bag
Quest Staff of Fats
Manuel Entry
refreshedit data
Travis %belmont% You're fighting Travis Helsing

Suddenly, a whip flashes out of the shadows, snags Dr. Awkward's sword, and flings it away! "Cain? A maniac?" Dr. Awkward hisses as he turns to face this new attacker, and said face is smashed in by a large, muscular fist attached to a large, muscular, leather-clad man.

"Aw, dammit," you say.

"That's right, demon! Your vile reign ends here!" This guy looks pretty similar to the original, and is wearing a breastplate, leather shorts, and has his long brown hair tied back with a leather strap. He also seems to have found that damn whip again.

"Don't you people get tired of this?" you complain. "What are you now, the great-great-great-great-great-great-grandson of that first guy? It's just ridiculous! Give it up already!"

"Whatever are you speaking of, fiend?" the guy says, looking honestly nonplussed. "I am the first of my line to face you. But if it is your intention to return with each new generation, then yes, I will gladly vow that the Helker clan will take up arms to fight you as long as we draw breath!"

"Oh my god. Are you trying to kill me with a headache?"

Hit Message(s):

He whips a nearby candle, which falls over and sets your <throat> on fire. Ugh! Eek! Ooh! (hot damage)

He hurls an axe at you. It travels in a long, loping arc, which terminates at your <head>. Ugh! Ow! Ooh!

He pulls out a dagger and throws it at your <groin>. Oof! Eek! Argh!

Critical Hit Message:

He hurls an axe at you. It travels in a long, loping arc, which terminates at your <arm>. (CRITICAL HIT!) Oof! Ooh! Oof!

Miss Message(s):

He tries to you[sic] in the <foot>, but misses.

He pulls out a dagger and throws it at the wall next to you. Must've just been a warning shot.

He whips a nearby candle and puts out the flame. It's impressive, but it doesn't, like, hurt you or anything.

He throws an axe, but it sails way over your head.

Fumble Message:

He throws an axe, but it sails way over your head. (FUMBLE!)

After Combat

Moneybag2.gifYou acquire an item: red money bag
Poolcue.gifYou acquire an item: Staff of Fats

Occurs at Dr. Awkward's Office during a Dark Gyffte run.


  • Immune to staggers.
Undaunted, he continues his assault.
  • Blocks combat items:
As you try to use that item, he pulls out a stopwatch and clicks a button on it. Time freezes briefly, and by the time it starts up again you forget what you were doing before.
  • Seems to have a high chance to hit, regardless of moxie.
  • Takes significantly reduced damage from most (all?) sources.



  • Prior to around February 20, 2019, the first paragraph was somewhat different. This was likely changed because the previous version conflicted with Dr. Awkward greeting you before the fight, for it went as follows:
"Alright, Dr. Awkward, I've got your number this time," you growl as you stride into the office -- to find him lying bloody on the floor, under the boot of another leather-clad muscle dude. "Aw, dammit."