Towering construct

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Towering construct
Monster ID 667
Locations A Shimmering Portal
Hit Points 450
Attack 350
Defense 360
No-Hit 360
Initiative 20
Meat None
Phylum construct
Elements None
Resistance None
Monster Parts trapezoid, triangle, square
El Vibrato punchcard (165 holes), El Vibrato punchcard (176 holes)
Manuel Entry
refreshedit data
towering construct You're fighting a towering construct

You step through the shimmering portal and find yourself in a cluttered underground room. Towering piles of carved stone shapes dominate the landscape in every direction.

You wander through the stacks for several minutes, looking for a way out, when you suddenly bump into something that is definitely not an inanimate pile of stone blocks. It's a towering crane-like construct, and it seems to have noticed you bumping into it.

Hit Message(s):

It grabs you by the <ankle> with a clamp-like manipulator, and squeezes until your <arm> is only 10% of its original width.

The construct picks you up with one of its clamp-like appendages, lifts you several feet into the air, and then drops you. Right on your <leg>.

"SOM NOGACHA. FU BEZEVEHO GACHOKUZ FUCHANOKCHA," it bellows, as it swats you across the room with an immense clamp-like manipulator.

Critical Hit Message:

"ANZAK NIFU GACHOKUZ ZEVEFUNO," it bellows, as it picks up an immense stone block and drops it on you from several feet above. Your body (and your affect) are flattened.

Miss Message(s):

The construct picks you up with one of its clamp-like appendages and lifts you several feet into the air. If you were anywhere near your house, you'd probably be able to see your house from here, but you're not, so you get bored and climb back down.

It grabs you by the leg with a clamp-like manipulator, but you've always had sort of a thin leg, so you slip out before it gets the chance to do any real damage.

It swings one of its massive clamp-like manipulators at you, but abruptly stops, bellows "BELA NOGACHA. NOKPAHONO," and quickly returns to its original position.

Fumble Message:

"SOM NOGACHA. FU BEZEVEHO GACHOKUZ FUCHANOKCHA," it bellows. It tries to swat you with an immense clamp-like manipulator, but your catlike reflexes allow you to hop onto a nearby stone block and avoid the blow. (FUMBLE!)

After Combat

Punchcard.gifYou acquire an item: El Vibrato punchcard (165 holes) (15.3% chance)*
Punchcard.gifYou acquire an item: El Vibrato punchcard (176 holes) (15.5% chance)*
You gain 87-88 <substat>.

Occurs at A Shimmering Portal.


Command Sequences

The construct opens a previously invisible hatch in the wall, and pull out a handful of small rectangular objects. Using its manipulator arms, it assembles the objects into a hexagonal object, which it then hands to you. You marvel at the technology that allows a hexagon to be constructed out of rectangles.
Drone1.gifYou acquire an item: El Vibrato drone
The construct quickly uses its crane-like manipulator to rearrange one of the piles of blocks into a crude (and not particularly flattering) likeness of you.

It turns its manipulators on itself, slowly but surely transforming itself into a bizarre construct/a hulking construct/an industrious construct/a lonely construct/a menacing construct.

The construct reaches into your sack with one of its manipulators, and pulls out an El Vibrato drone. Sparks fly as it twists and yanks on the drone, leaving it thoroughly broken.
Brokendrone.gifYou acquire an item: broken El Vibrato drone
The construct reaches into your sack with one of its manipulators, and pulls out one of the El Vibrato power spheres. There is a shower of sparks as it squeezes, pokes, and prods the sphere into a completely different shape. The modifications complete, it hands you back the former sphere.
Elvhelmet.gifYou acquire an item: El Vibrato helmet
The construct reaches into your sack with one of its manipulators, and pulls out one of the El Vibrato power spheres. There is a shower of sparks as it squeezes, pokes, and prods the sphere into a completely different shape. The modifications complete, it hands you back the former sphere.
Elvblade.gifYou acquire an item: El Vibrato energy spear
The construct reaches into your sack with one of its manipulators, and pulls out one of the El Vibrato power spheres. There is a shower of sparks as it squeezes, pokes, and prods the sphere into a completely different shape. The modifications complete, it hands you back the former sphere.
Elvpants.gifYou acquire an item: El Vibrato leg guards
You slide the punchcard into a slot in the towering construct. It bellows "KROTATA KUZGA GA NOGACHA. ZEVEPACHA SOM BULA BUFULA."
You slide the punchcard into a slot in the towering construct. It bellows "SPECIFIED OBJECT NOT DETECTED. REVERTING TO DEFAULT BEHAVIOR."


  • "Flattened affect" refers to a psychological symptom, usually found in depression, schizophrenia, and other disorders. It is the lack of expression (though not necessarily the absence) of emotion.
  • The hexagon shape is caused by the rectangles forming a three dimensional cube and being viewed at a rotated angle in a two dimensional game.