Tofu chow mein

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tofu chow mein
tofu chow mein

This is a big bowl of everything that makes a hippy happy - vegetables, tofu, and noodles. All it's missing is a VW microbus and the reanimated corpse of Jerry Garcia.

Type: food (awesome)
Size: 3
Level required: 7
Selling Price: 109 Meat.

(In-game plural: plates of tofu chow mein)
View metadata
Item number: 816
Description ID: 17792757
View in-game: view
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Ezcook.gif herbs spices  
Oven.gif secret blend of herbs and spices stalk of asparagus  
Ezcook.gif asparagus stir-fry wad of tofu  
Wok sm.gif tofu stir-fry dry noodles MSG
Equals.gif tofu chow mein

When Consumed

You chow down on the tofu chow mein. Your mother would be proud, if you weren't such a hippy.
AdventuresYou gain 11-18 Adventures. (avg. 14.5)
You gain 18-22 Strongness.
You gain 20-25 Enchantedness.
(You gain 3 Fullness.)


  • See the chow mein page for a full analysis of the frabjousness that is chow mein!
  • On July 7th 2015, replaced with Knob stroganoff.


Slash.gif bat wing chow mein | knob sausage chow mein | pr0n chow mein | rat appendix chow mein | tofu chow mein


"816" does not have an RSS file (yet?) for the collection database.