To Build an Igloo

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To Build an Igloo
To Build an Igloo

The dust jacket on this book says it's the tale of an Arctic explorer. What fun!

Type: usable
Grants Skill: Refusal to Freeze
Cannot be discarded

(In-game plural: copies of To Build an Igloo)
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Item number: 8682
Description ID: 253562962
View in-game: view
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Obtained From

Wal-Mart (150 Wal-Mart gift certificates)

When Used

  • Without the skill:
You read the book, which turns out to be the tragic and depressing tale of a guy stranded in the Arctic, and ends with him freezing to death. It's a real bummer.
You acquire a skill: Snowflake.gif Refusal to Freeze
  • With the skill:
No way are you reading that depressing crap again.



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