Tiny plastic trollipop

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tiny plastic trollipop
tiny plastic trollipop

Remember the trollipop? That horrible, obnoxious grin? Those insufferable "funny" utterances? Well, now you don't have to remember it, because it's right here in miniature, staring you in the face, silently wondering if you're mad. Yes. Yes you are.

The bottom of the base reads, "Series 5C, 1/5 (C)."

Type: accessory
Cannot be discarded

+5 to Monster Level

(In-game plural: tiny plastic trollipops)
View metadata
Item number: 5372
Description ID: 981783351
View in-game: view
View market statistics

Obtained From

Obsoleted Areas/Methods
Crimbo 2011
Advent Calendar


  • As you might surmise, the description references one of the phrases most commonly associated with Trollface: "U mad, bro?"

See also


"5372" does not have an RSS file (yet?) for the collection database.

Tiny Plastic Series 5C (1/5, C) - edit
Tptrollipop.gif Tpfudgewizard.gif Tpfudgeman.gif Tpcolossus.gif Tpbigcandy.gif
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