Tiny plastic Fudge Wizard

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tiny plastic Fudge Wizard
tiny plastic Fudge Wizard

This is a little plastic replica of a little fudge menace. Gaze upon it and recall the myriad ways in which he manipulated fudge to hurt you. Let it inspire you to commit similar (albeit less fudge-centric) acts upon your enemies.

The bottom of the base reads, "Series 5C, 2/5 (C)."

Type: accessory
Cannot be discarded

Spell Damage +10

(In-game plural: tiny plastic Fudge Wizards)
View metadata
Item number: 5373
Description ID: 529660168
View in-game: view
View market statistics

Obtained From

Obsoleted Areas/Methods
Crimbo 2011
Advent Calendar

See also


"5373" does not have an RSS file (yet?) for the collection database.

Tiny Plastic Series 5C (2/5, C) - edit
Tptrollipop.gif Tpfudgewizard.gif Tpfudgeman.gif Tpcolossus.gif Tpbigcandy.gif
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