Tiny plastic Crimbomination

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tiny plastic Crimbomination
tiny plastic Crimbomination

This is an amazingly detailed figurine of the Crimbomination, everyone's favorite festive mutant monstrosity. They even got the green elf blood on the suppurating sores, all eight nostrils (even the ones hidden under flaps of skin) and the second face. It's ho-ho-horrifically disfigured!

The bottom of the base reads, "Series 3C, 5/5 (U)"

Type: accessory
Cannot be discarded

+1 Spooky Damage
+1 Stench Damage
+1 Hot Damage
+1 Cold Damage
+1 Sleaze Damage

(In-game plural: tiny plastic Crimbominations)
View metadata
Item number: 4339
Description ID: 790690619
View in-game: view
View market statistics

Obtained From

Obsoleted Areas/Methods
Crimbo 2009
Advent Calendar

See Also


"4339" does not have an RSS file (yet?) for the collection database.

Tiny Plastic Series 3C (5/5, U) - edit
Tpc09 1.gif Tpc09 2.gif Tpc09 3.gif Tpc09 4.gif Tpc09 5.gif
1 2 3 4 5