Tiny plastic Big Candy

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tiny plastic Big Candy
tiny plastic Big Candy

Y'know, even though this thing is only like an inch tall, his tongue is still too big. Shudder.

The bottom of the base reads, "Series 5C, 5/5 (U)."

Type: accessory
Cannot be discarded

All Attributes +3
Maximum HP/MP+3

(In-game plural: tiny plastic Big Candys)
View metadata
Item number: 5376
Description ID: 335790916
View in-game: view
View market statistics

Obtained From

Obsoleted Areas/Methods
Crimbo 2011
Advent Calendar


"5376" does not have an RSS file (yet?) for the collection database.

Tiny Plastic Series 5C (5/5, U) - edit
Tptrollipop.gif Tpfudgewizard.gif Tpfudgeman.gif Tpcolossus.gif Tpbigcandy.gif
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