Tiny bowler
From TheKolWiki
Hold me closer. But maybe wear one of those wrist guard things. (In-game plural: tiny bowlers) |
Obtained From
- The Hidden Bowling Alley
- pygmy bowler
- The Hidden Park
- Where Does The Lone Ranger Take His Garbagester?
- Against a single enemy:
<name> pulls out a tiny bowling ball and hurls it at your opponent, striking <him/her> for 10-12 damage.
- Against multiple enemies:
<name> pulls out a tiny bowling ball and hurls it into the center of the group, sparing nobody and dealing (10-12) × <group size, capped at 10> damage.
- When equipped your familiar will deal physical damage each round in combat.
- The chorus of the Elton John song "Tiny Dancer" begins with the line "Hold me closer tiny dancer".
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