Time Juice

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Time Juice
Time Juice

This is a bottle of time. One adventure's worth of time, to be precise.

Type: usable
Cannot be traded or discarded

(In-game plural: bottles of Time Juice)
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Item number: 872
Description ID: 16431643
View in-game: view

Obtained From

Obsoleted Areas/Methods
Black Sunday
8 given to all players after a fundraiser

When Used

You drink the Time Juice. Now you've got more time!
AdventuresYou gain 1 Adventure.


  • Time Juice was the result of a fundraiser by The Council of Loathing used to remove bugmeat from the system. At the conclusion of the Meatsink, which removed over 800 billion Meat from the game, each Adventurer received eight bottles of Time Juice.
  • This happened September 21, 2004.


"872" does not have an RSS file (yet?) for the collection database.