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As you walk into the Arrrboretum, a sappy pirate walks up and greets you. "Avast ye, landlubber," he says. "Welcome to the Arrrboretum. It just warms me heart to see people all comin' together for the common good. It brings a tear to me eye, it does, and I just want everyone to know how very much it means to me. But enough of me sappy bluster. Are ye ready to plant some saplings? Ye can choose one of three types to plant. But beware, for one of these types of saplings carries with it a dreadful, terrible curse..."

Then the pirate laughs and slaps you on the back, leaving a sappy handprint. "Nah," he says, "there be no dreadful curses; I was just having some fun with ye. Now, which sapling do ye fancy?"

The mighty, towering, irritable Crotchety Pine?

"Ah, I figured ye for a Crotchety Pine type," the sappy pirate says. He hands you a bag of saplings, which feels surprisingly heavy for its size.

"All right then, ye landlubber, those saplings ain't going to plant themselves, savvy, and we need the wood for our ships -- I mean, we need to plant trees for our dear mother earth."

Knobsack.gifYou acquire an item: bag of Crotchety Pine saplings

The sweet, low-calorie Saccharine Maple?

"Ah, I figured ye for a Saccharine Maple type," the sappy pirate says. He hands you a bag of saplings, which feels surprisingly heavy for its size.

"All right then, ye landlubber, those saplings ain't going to plant themselves, savvy, and we need the wood for our ships -- I mean, we need to plant trees for our dear mother earth."

Knobsack.gifYou acquire an item: bag of Saccharine Maple saplings

The weird, psychedelic, quite-frankly disturbing Laughing Willow?

"Ah, I figured ye for a Laughing Willow type," the sappy pirate says. He hands you a bag of saplings, which feels surprisingly heavy for its size.

"All right then, ye landlubber, those saplings ain't going to plant themselves, savvy, and we need the wood for our ships -- I mean, we need to plant trees for our dear mother earth."

Knobsack.gifYou acquire an item: bag of Laughing Willow saplings

Occurs at The Arrrboretum on Arrrbor Day.