Throwing knife

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throwing knife
throwing knife

This is a little balanced knife honed to a murderous sharpness. It could cut all the way through a tin can and the guy that was getting ready to eat whatever was in that can.

Type: combat item
Selling Price: 20 Meat.

Causes bleeding

(In-game plural: throwing knives)
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Item number: 7192
Description ID: 436917487
View in-game: view
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Obtained From

The Copperhead Club
ninja dressed as a waiter
Behind the 'Stache (Head to the back and steal some stuff) (0-4)

When Used

  • In combat:
You hurl the knife at your foe. At first it seems like nothing happens, but then its arm falls off and starts gushing blood.
  • Then, each round:
    It continues to bleed, suffering n damage


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