Thorny Toad trading card

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Thorny Toad trading card
Thorny Toad trading card

This is a trading card depicting KWE star Thorny Toad. It's printed with a variety of useful information, for varying definitions of 'useful'. And 'information'.

Type: usable
Selling Price: 50 Meat.

(In-game plural: Thorny Toad trading cards)
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Item number: 2003
Description ID: 590704615
View in-game: view
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Obtained From

pack of KWE trading card (0-1)

When Used

You look at the Thorny Toad trading card. The front has a picture on it.

Thorny Toad
(Artwork by Cynn)

The back has some statistics printed on it.

Name: Thorny Toad
Special Moves: Tongue Lashing and Jungle Boogie
Wins: #
Losses: #
Quote: "Thorny make good fight croak croak croak!"

Fun Facts:
The venom that Thorny Toad secretes is powerful enough, in its concentrated form, to make a goth giant hallucinate!

Thorny Toad has webbed hands and feet! They make it impossible for him to use chopsticks!

Thorny Toad learned to speak English by listening to KWE radio! He still speaks better frog than he does English, though!

Your friends at KWE remind you that winners have regular bowel movements!

card 4/16



"2003" does not have an RSS file (yet?) for the collection database.

Tradecard.gif KWE Trading Cards - edit
Das Überkühlraum | Vaso De Agua | The Grand Poo-Bah | Thorny Toad | Chori Zo | Morbidda | Poison Oak | Princess Rutabaga | Roo | Woldo | The Snake | Nayztameetjoo | Arrrmetia | Serenity | Inndya | Kitty the Zmobie Basher