There are some vague or non-exact figures and information on this page. Some spading is required.
Location of unsmoothed velvet and 1,970 carat gold. Rate of two 1,970 carat gold mines. Use of Earthen Fist. Cave-in damage.
INSTRUCTIONS: Starting at the bottom of the mine, click a chunk of rock adjacent to an open section of mine to excavate that space.
Back to That 70s Volcano
Without the high-temperature mining drill equipped or at least 15 levels of Hot Resistance:
- You can't mine without the proper equipment and Very Extremely Amazingly High (at least 15) Hot Resistance.
You start digging. You hit the rock with all your might.
- If the rock does not twinkle:
You succeed in cutting away some rock.
You pan through the rock you knocked loose and collect some Meat tailings.
 | You gain 24-30 Meat. |
This mining stuff is more of a workout than you usually get!
Being down here where it's quiet really makes you think. Or maybe it's the hypoxia setting in...
You accidentally inhale a bunch of dust, making your voice sound all husky and cool. And probably eventually giving you cancer.
You accidentally tunnel into a tube of hot lava!
You dig out a shimmering crystal!
You carve out a molten glob of disco gold.
You carve out a sheet of fine velvet.
- If you try to mine into a section that is not accessible:
You cannot reach this section of the mine.
- If you try to dig into the walls:
This wall is too hard to dig into.
- After you have mined at least once:
If you no longer want to mine in this spot, you can click the button below to wander around in the mine until you find a new cavern to mine. This does not take an Adventure. If you do this, you won't be able to remember where this current cavern is, though.
- Clicking on "Find New Cavern":
You wander around randomly in the mine until you find a new section of mine to defile.
Occurs at That 70s Volcano. Replaces The Velvet / Gold Mine once the correct conditions has been achieved.
- You must have high-temperature mining drill equipped and Very Extremely Amazingly High Hot Resistance (15) to access this area.
- Due to the required Hot resistance to mine, the significant amount of damage taken from lava tubes is significantly reduced.
- There are 15 promising chunks per mine (which will show up as twinkling while under the Object Detection effect):
- 6 promising chunks will contain unsmoothed velvet. These chunks will be contiguous and are never found in the bottom 2 rows.
- 1-2 promising chunks will contain 1,970 carat gold. These chunks are not necessarily contiguous and can be found in all rows. An average 25%? of mines will contain 2 1,970 carat gold. In case of a 1 gold mine, an additional cave-in will be added in place of a second 1,970 carat gold.
- 3 promising chunks will contain New Age healing crystal. These chunks are not necessarily contiguous and can be found in all rows.
- 4-5 promising chunks will be cave-ins. These chunks are not necessarily contiguous and can be found in all rows.
- This area follows the normal rules and behavior for mining. Note that Dwarvish War Uniform cannot be used in place of Object Detection as high-temperature mining drill must be equipped.
- At launch, the mine produced 1-3 gold per mine, distributed either linearly or triangularly. The mine was soon nerfed to produce only 1-2 gold per mine, with 2 gold only showing up in approximately 25% of mines.
- On August 17, 2015, the mine was nerfed again by changing the spawning mechanisms of gold. Rather than always being contiguous, the gold could now appear anywhere in the mine, including the lowest row, in a not necessarily-contiguous manner. When a mine only has 1 gold, an additional cave-in is added to prevent the use of Object Detection to determine how many pieces of gold the mine contains, an exploit that was used to substantially raise the profitability of farming.
See Also